Autor: Zubair, M. Sulaiman, Jamaluddin, Jamaluddin, Pratiwi, Ritha, Budi, Budi, Yuyun, Yonelian, Musnina, Wa Ode Sitti
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Anoa : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sosial, Politik, Budaya, Hukum, Ekonomi; Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Mei
ISSN: 2722-0516
DOI: 10.52423/anoa.v3i1
Popis: Covid-19 virus was declared a global pandemic by WHO, resulting a significant increasing of alcohol necessity. Efforts that can be made to fill the necessity of alcohol are producing alcohol independently. One source of alcohol-producing materials that can be used is palm sap, through a process of fermentation and distillation. Independent alcohol production was carried out through a community service program in Batusuya Village, Sindue District, Donggala Regency, the aim of transferring technology to groups of sugar palm farmers, how to produce high levels of ethanol through a distillation process with palm sap as basic ingredients and being able making hand sanitizers in the right and correct way using ethanol from nira distillation. The methods used in this service activity were counseling, training on the application of palm sap processing technology into technical alcohol using the distillation method and making Handsanitizer. Analysis of survey data on 15 partner farmers, consisting of 10 male and 5 female with the highest education level of SMA 13.3%. There were five farmers who maintained and cultivated palm trees, and produced bitter palm wine. Through this service activity, farmer partners become aware of and understand the benefits of palm trees which can produce products of economic value, one of which is high alcohol content. After the counseling, discussions and assistance in making hand sanitizer from alcohol, farmers who wish to be assisted in processing sugar palm will be supported by the village government in providing a distillator to produce high levels of alcohol from bitter wine.
Databáze: OpenAIRE