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Penggunaan pendinginan udara buatan seperti Air Conditioner (AC) adalah salah satu alternatif untukmenambah produktivitas dan kenyamanan termal di dalam ruang. Perangkat AC juga disinyalir sebagai mediatempat berkembangnya berbagai jenis mikroba yang menggangu kesehatan. Penggunaan AC yang tidak sesuaistandar mempengaruhi kesehatan penggunanya. Fenomena ini dikenal sebagai Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).SBS adalah akumulasi dari berbagai permasalahan kesehatan yang disebabakan kualitas udara di sekitarlingkungan. SBS dapat juga didefinisikan sebagai permasalahan kesehatan yang non spesifik dari para penghuniruang yang mengakibatkan mata merah dan berair, bersin, kulit kering, dan alergi terhadap udara dingin.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik penghuni ruang yang bekerja di dalam ruang ber-AC berdasarkan usia, kebiasan dan insiden yang mungkin terjadi berdasarkan gejala-gejala sick buildingsyndrome. Tipe penelitian adalah deskriptif dari kondisi dan penghuni yang berada didalam ruang kerja ber-AC.Variable studi yakni karakteristik ruang ber-AC serta faktor kesehatan pengguna ruang. Jumlah sampel dipilihsecara acak sebanyak 25 orang pegawai yang tersebar di 4 ruang administrasi ber-AC di lingkup UniversitasHalu Oleo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para pegawai menghabiskan waktu sekitar 7-9 jam di ruanganber-AC karena sekitar 52% tidak dapat mentolerir ketidaknyamanan apabila tidak menggunakan AC. Haltersebut tentunya berdampak pada kesehatan, diantaranya kelainan kelembaban kulit diderita sebanyak 40%responden, serta sesak nafas dan sakit kepala diderita sekitar 24% responden.Kata kunci: sistem pendinginan, air conditioner, kenyamanan thermal, kantor, sick building syndromABSTRACTThe use of artificial air cooling such as Air Conditioner (AC) is one alternative to increase productivity andthermal comfort in the room. AC devices are also allegedly as a medium for the development of various types ofmicrobes that interfere with health. The use of AC that is not in accordance with the standards affects the healthof its users. This phenomenon is known as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). SBS is an accumulation of varioushealth problems caused by air quality around the environment. It also can be defined as non-specific healthproblems of the occupants of the room that cause red and runny eyes, sneezing, dry skin, and allergic to cold air.This study aims to identify the characteristics of the occupants of the space working in an air-conditioned roombased on age, habits and incidents that may occur based on symptoms of sick building syndrome. This type ofresearch is descriptive of the conditions and occupants who are in an air-conditioned workspace. Studyvariables are the characteristics of air-conditioned rooms and health factors of rooms users. The number ofsamples randomly selected was 25 employees spread across 4 air-conditioned administrative rooms within thescope of Halu Oleo University. The results showed that the employees spent about 7-9 hours in an airconditionedroom because around 52% of respondents could not tolerate discomfort if they didn't use AC. Thiscertainly has an impact on health, including skin moisture disorders suffered by as many as 40% of respondents,and shortness of breath and headaches suffered by around 24% of respondents.Keywords: refrigeration system, air conditioner, thermal comfort, office, sick building syndrom |