Ultrafast time resolved reflection high energy electron diffraction with tilted pump pulse fronts

Autor: Zhou, Ping, Streubühr, Carla, Kalus, Annika, Frigge, Tim, Wall, Simone, Hanisch-Blicharski, Anja, Kammler, Martin, Ligges, Manuel, Bovensiepen, Uwe, von der Linde, Dietrich, Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Popis: We present time-resolved RHEED from a laser excited Pb(111) surface using a pulse front tilter for the compensation of the velocity mismatch of electrons and light. The laser pulses with tilted fronts were characterized by a spatially resolving cross correlator. The response of the surface upon excitation was observed to be less than 2 ps.
Databáze: OpenAIRE