Belagat Açısından Eksiltİsiz İfadelerin (Zikir Üslubu) Anlam Boyutu

Autor: KAÇAR, Halil
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Volume: 0, Issue: 22
Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
ISSN: 1302-4973
Popis: Zikr is a term usedin the art of sernanhes [al-maftni] which is one of the three disciplines of rhetoric [baliıqat], in the sense of preserving, though possible to omit, an element of thesentence in the speech purposefully. Style of zikr is preferred when evidence (kariina) accompanying the speech or canfidence in this evidence, without which understanding thespeech is difficult, is weakened. It is impossible to limit the literary expansions the style of zikr brought to speech to a certain theoretical framework. We can say that this style isopen to interpretation just !ike the styles of taqdim-tahlr, ta'rlf-tankir and fasl-vasl, that more than one expansion can be identified based on the. context, and that the only eriterian in this matter is the cantext itself and the intellect and the literary appreciation to interpret it.
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