Autor: KAYA, Ertugrul, AKATA, Ilgaz, COSKUN, Nuri Cenk
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 2.İnternational Congress Of Forensic Toxicology; Volume: Volume 2, Issue: İssue 1 (1) 287-287
The Turkish Journal Of Occupational / Environmental Medicine and Safety
ISSN: 2149-4711
Popis: Galerinamarginata is a wood-rotting fungus species belonging to the family Cortinariaceaewithin the division Basidiomycota. The species is widely distributed throughoutthe North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.Galerinamarginata can cause mushroom poisoning resulting eventual death if not treatedrapidly. Knowledge of the toxin amount contained in this mushroom type isinvaluable in the treatment of cases involving poisoning. In this study, weanalysed the toxin levels of the Galerina marginata growing in Turkey.Toxin analyseswere carried out for dried G. marginata which were collected from the forestsKastamonu region of Turkey in 2015, as a whole. The alpha amanitin, betaamanitin, gamma amanitin, phalloidin and phallacidine analyses of the mushroomswere carried out using the RP-HPLC method. We found that thesamples contain alpha amanitin (0.72 ±0.02 mg/g) and beta amanitin (0.56 ±0.03mg/g), but G. marginata samples do not contain gamma amanitin, phalloidin andphallacidin.Alpha amanitinand beta amanitin concentrations were lower as compared to Amanita phalloides,but toxin content of G. marginata is dangerous and this species can causelethal mushroom intoxication. 
Databáze: OpenAIRE