Fatih Projesi Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretim Ortam ve Yöntemlerine İlişkin Görüşlerini Nasıl Etkilemektedir?

Autor: ÇALIŞKAN, Erkan
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Volume: 6, Issue: 1 36-43
Journal of Instructional Technologies and Teacher Education
ISSN: 2149-4495
Popis: Öğretimortam ve yöntemleri gerçekleştirilen öğretim etkinliklerinin başarısı içinoldukça önemlidir. Teknolojinin gelişmesiyle birlikte öğretim etkinliklerindekiteknoloji desteği daha çok görülmektedir. Bu teknolojik gelişmeler ve eğilimlerülkeleri de eğitimde yeni reformlar yapmaya zorunlu kılmaktadır. Türkiye’deFırsatları Arttırma ve Teknolojiyi İyileştirme Hareketi (FATİH) Projesiyle bukonudaki eksiklikler giderilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Bu araştırma kapsamındaöğretmen adaylarının ortam ve yöntem hakkındaki düşünceleriyle, FATİHProjesi’ne bakış açıları ve etkileşimli tahta ile tablet bilgisayarlara yönelikgörüşleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın temel odağı öğretmen adaylarının yöntem veortamlara ilişkin tanımlamalarıyla birlikte FATİH projesinin bu bakış açılarınınasıl etkilediğinin belirlenmesidir. Uygun örnekleme ile araştırmacı tarafındankonulan ölçütleri taşıyan 24 öğretmen adayına ulaşılmış, nitel araştırmamodelinde toplanan veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle çözümlemiştir. Elde edilenbulgulara göre öğretmen adayları FATİH projesini yakından takip etmektedirler.Ancak, etkileşimli tahta ve tablet bilgisayarların uygun kullanımlarıyla ilgilisorunları vardır. Bu noktada hizmet içi öğretmenler gibi öğretmen adaylarınında teknoloji entegrasyonu konusunda eğitimlere gereksinimleri olduğusöylenebilir. Lisans eğitiminde öğretim teknolojileri ve materyal tasarımıderslerinde daha fazla e-içerik tasarımları ve kullanımları üzerinde durulmasıönerilmektedir.
Teaching environments and methods are very importantfor success of teaching activities. Changes on teaching / learning environmentsand methods affect learning success directly. With the developing technology,we have seen more support of technology at instructional activities. There area lot of studies interested with environments and methods in the literature.Especially, some studies, which focus on effects of environments and methods,have contributed to the implementations. Technological developments and newtrends in educational-instructional implementations require governments toinitiate educational reforms. For this purpose, Turkey started supporting the“Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and Improving Technology” (FATIH) project.The general aims of FATIH Project are (1) equating opportunities in education, (2)supporting the effective use of information and communication technology (ICT)tools such as interactive boards (IBs) and tablet PCs in the classrooms. Theproject started in November, 2010, after approval from the Ministry of NationalEducation (MoNE) and the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs andCommunications. The FATIH project was funded by the Ministry of Science;Industry and Technology; Ministry of Economy; Ministry of Finance; Ministry ofDevelopment; Undersecretaries of Treasury; and Scientific and TechnologicalResearch Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). This extensive and ongoing project hasthe following five main components:• supplying equipment andsoftware substructure;• providing educationale-content and management of e-content;• promoting effective usageof the ICT in teaching programs;• offering in-servicetraining of teachers; and• promoting conscious,reliable, manageable, and measurable ICT usage.In this study, pre-service teachers’ thoughts about environment, method,FATIH Project and using of interactive board and tablet PC for instructionalpurposes were examined. Convenient sampling was used to reach 24 pre-serviceteachers. Also, voluntary participation, academic success, and class level wereused as criteria for sampling. The study was designed in survey model and datawere gathered via interviews and analyzed with content analysis method inaccordance with qualitative research design.According to the findings, pre-service teachers have knowledge about theproject but they have some issues to use interactive boards and tablet PCseffectively. The pre-service teachers participating in the study definesenvironment and method correctly. Methods are more important for 8 ofparticipants (33%), while 5 of them (21%) say that environment is moreimportant for instruction. 11 of pre-service teachers (46%) believe thatenvironments and methods have equal importance on success of instructionalactivities. Pre-service teachers defines FATIH Project as using of informationand communication technologies (f=13, 54%) and changing of classroom forms(f=11, 46%). They emphasize that skills and habits are most importantchallenges. They specify that the project will improve students’ and teachers’technology literacy. According to pre-service teachers, the most importantpoints of using of IB and tablet PC are method and activities (f=11, 46%),content (f=10, 42%), active participation (f=8, 33%), and student control (f=4,17%). Only 10 pre-service teachers (42%) have mentioned more appropriateteaching methods for using IBs and tablet PCs in classroom.At this point, more professional development such as in-service trainingfor technology integration is needed. The results of this study also indicatesthat instructors should focus more on designing and using of e-course contentin the instructional technology and material design courses at theundergraduate level.
Databáze: OpenAIRE