Autor: ŞAHİN, Ekber, KARADAYI, Şule, NADİR, Aydın, KAPTANOĞLU, Melih
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Volume: 31, Issue: 4 452-455
Cumhuriyet Medical Journal
ISSN: 1305-0028
Popis: Özet Bu makalede, nefes darlığı ve karın ağrısı nedeniyle kliniğimize yatırılan, akciğerde ve batında çok sayıda kisti olduğunu düşündüğümüz 27 yaşında bir kadın hastayı sunduk. Hastaya sağ torakotomi uyguladığımızda kistlerin iki adedinin diyafragmatik, birinin ise subdiyafragmatik olduğunu gördük. Kistlerin hepsine kistotomi uyguladık. Anahtar sözcükler: Diyafragma, kist hidatik, sağ torakotomi Abstract In this article, we present a 27 years old female patient who admitted to our clinic with dyspnea and abdominal pain; in whom we thought that she had multiple cysts in lung and abdomen. During the right thoracotomy application we saw that two of them were diaphragmatic cysts and one was subdiaphragmatic cyst. We performed cystotomy all of the cysts. Keywords: Diaphragm, cyst hydatid, right thoracotomy
In this article, we present a 27 years old female patient who admitted to our clinic with dyspnea and abdominal pain; in whom we thought that she had multiple cysts in lung and abdomen. During the right thoracotomy application we saw that two of the cysts were diaphragmatic and one was subdiaphragmatic. We performed cystotomy all of the cysts.
Databáze: OpenAIRE