Improving Grain Quality in Pulses: S trategies to Reduce Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides in Seeds

Autor: KANNAN, Udhaya, SHARMA, Roopam, GANGOLA, Manu P., CHIBBAR, Ravindra N.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Volume: 4, Issue: 1 70-88
Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics
ISSN: 2149-1275
Popis: In human diet, pulses are an excellent source of carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fibers, vitamins, minerals and otherbioactive compounds. However, the presence of high concentration of raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFO) limitstheir consumption and acceptance worldwide especially in developed countries. Humans and mono-gas tric animals cannotdiges t RFO but are fermented by large intes tinal microflora that produces carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane causingflatulence and s tomach discomfort. Hence, it is imperative to develop s trategies to reduce RFO concentration in pulsesto promote their consumption in human diet around the world.RFO are sucrosyl galactosidessynthesized during the laters tages of seed development. RFO accumulation in seeds is affected by crop species, genotype and growing environment.Genetic s trategies have been used to reduce the accumulation of RFO in pulses. Several pos t-harves t processing methodshave also been used to reduce RFO concentration in pulses used for human consumption.
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