Şiirle Öğretim Tekniğinin Öğrencilerin Başarı ve Tutumlarına Etkisi

Autor: AKYOL, Cüneyt, DİKİCİ, Ayhan
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Volume: 8, Issue: 1 48-56
ISSN: 1305-3515
Popis: The purpose of this research is to find out the feasibility of poetical teaching technique in scienceand technology classes in terms of the students’ achievements and attitudes. The research methodologyemployed in this study is quasi-experimental design. Sixth grade science and technology lesson unit ‘TheParticular Structure of Elements’ was taught with activities prepared in accordance with poetical teachingtechnique vs. traditional teaching methods. The changes students’ attitudes toward science and technology classand the students’ academic achievements for both classes were investigated. The experimental group consistedof 32 students who were willing to write a poem. The control group consisted of 20 students. An achievementinstrument was administered to both groups as pre- and post-tests. In order to determine the changes of students’attitudes toward science and technology, The Science Attitude Scale was administered to both groups as pre- andpost-tests. According to the results obtained from the research; the attitudes of students toward science andtechnology did not change significantly but the students’ achievement did as a result of the intervention.
Bu araFtGrmanGn amacG Fiirle ö retim tekni inin fen ve teknoloji sGnGflarGnda ö rencilerin baFarG ve tutumlarG bakGmGndan uygulanabilirli ini belirlemektir. AraFtGrmada deneysel yöntemlerden kontrol gruplu ön-test ve son- test modeli uygulanmGFtGr. 6. sGnGf Fen ve Teknoloji dersi “Maddenin Tanecikli YapGsG” Ünitesi Miirle ö retim tekni ine göre hazGrlanan etkinlikler ve geleneksel ö retim yöntemleri ile iFlenmiFtir. Ö rencilerin akademik baFarGlarG ile Fen ve Teknoloji dersine karFG tutumlarGnda meydana gelen de iFimler araFtGrGlmGFtGr. AraFtGrmada Fiir yazmaya ve Fiir okumaya gönüllü olan ö rencilerden 32 ö renci deney grubunu ve 20 ö renci kontrol grubunu oluFturmuFtur. Deney ve kontrol grubu ö rencilerine baFarG testi ön-test ve son-test olarak uygulanmGFtGr. Ö rencilerin fen ve teknolojiye yönelik tutum de iFimlerini belirlemek için Fen Tutum Ölçe i her iki gruba da ön-test ve son-test olarak uygulanmGFtGr. AraFtGrmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre, baFarG testinden elde edilen puanlar deney grubunun lehine sonuçlanGrken, fen tutum ölçe inden elde edilen puanlarda istatistiksel olarak anlamlG fark görülmemiFtir
Databáze: OpenAIRE