Autor: İSLAMOĞLU, Yeşim, TANER, Güler
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Volume: 127, Issue: 127 1-1
Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration
ISSN: 0026-4563
Popis: This Paper is published in Turkish edition of the Journal (MTA Dergisi )In this study, coverage of Bivalvia fauna and its systematic specialities in Antalya Miocene basin have been explained. In the basin, 30 species of Bivalvia class obtained from Oymapınar limestone, Altınkaya formation and Aksu formation have been determined. As well as systematically classification of species, stratigraphic levels and paleogeographic distributions of them have been put forward too. According to this, species of Glossus (Cytherocardia) cf. deshayesi perlongata (Kutassy 1928) and Pelecyora (Cordiopsis) polytropa nysti (d'Orbigny 1852) are peculiar to Middle Miocene and species of Cardiocardita cf. monilifera (Dujardin 1837) is peculiar to Lower Miocene. In the study area, as well as species, characteristic for Tethys such as species such as Chlamys (Aequipecten) scabrella bollenensis (Mayer 1876), Pecten fuchsi Fontannes 1878, species such as Crassostrea gryphoides (Schlotheim 1813), Loripes (Loripes) dujardini (Deshayes 1850), Carditamera (Lazariella) (Sacco 1899), Megaxinus bellardianus (Mayer 1864), Acanthocardia (Acanthocardia) turonica (Mayer 1861), Sanguinolaria (Soletellina) labordei (Basterot 1825) and Pitar (Pitar) rudis (Poli 1795) widespreading both into Tethys and into marine stages of Central Paratethys have been found. It is striking to be met by chance firstly in the study area with species such as Glossus (Cytherocardia) cf. deshayesi perlongata (Kutassy 1928), Pelecyora (Cordiopsis) polytropa nysti (d'Orbigny 1852 and Irus (Paphirus) gregarius gregarius Partsch, 1823 known beforehand to be only Central Paratethys. In the study area whereas determined species belonging to Lower and Middle Miocene are able to be correlated with Tethys, on the other hand, Central Paratethys fauna belonging to Upper Miocene are only able to correlate with Tethys fauna.
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