Examination of Anxiety and Attitude Towards English Course

Autor: TUNCER, Murat, AKMENÇE, Ahmet Egemen
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Volume: 3, Issue: 2 75-84
Educational Reflections
ISSN: 2587-0068
Popis: The general aim of this study is to examineanxiety and attitude towards foreign language course. The sample of theresearch carried out according to the screening model within the scope of thedescriptive research constitutes a total 10, 11, and 12 grade 594 studentsstudying in state high schools in Elazığ province in the 2018-2019 academicyear. In the study, quantitative data were obtained by using two differentscales. The first one is foreign language anxiety scale. The other scale isattitudes towards English lesson scale. Frequency, percentage and t test, ANOVAand eta-square tests were used to analyze the quantitative data. Therelationship between the sub-dimensions of the scales was determined by PearsonCorrelation Test, the results obtained from the analysis of the data in theresearch can be summarized as follows: In the context of anxiety which is thefirst dependent variable of the study, there is a significant difference interms of gender in favor of male students. In the study, a positive relationwas found between anxiety and success, and it was concluded that anxiety was afactor that increases success. When it comes to attitude which is anotherdependent variable of the study, it has been determined that the male studentshave higher attitude scores and finally there is a positive correlation betweenachievement and attitude
Databáze: OpenAIRE