The Influence Of The Physical Environment On Loyalty During A Service Meeting Application To The Case Of The Hotel Industry

Autor: MOHAMMED, Benbouziane, TARİK, Saidi, CHIB, Djazia
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Volume: 14 184-194
Yaşar Üniversitesi E-Dergisi
ISSN: 1305-970X
Popis: In the context of hedonic services, the role of the environment is very important. It is at the same time the support of the offer, the referent of identity and the differentiating element of the service company. Different approaches have emerged from this perspective to identify the nature of the consumer / physical environment relationship (explanatory approaches, behavioral approach and environmental psychology approach). The purpose of this article is to show the impact of the components of the physical environment on the behavioral fidelity of hotel services customers. The purpose of this article is to show the impact of the components of the physical environment on the behavioral fidelity of hotel services customers. A survey was conducted on a sample of 270 clients from different cities of Algeria. We shall try to show the role of the physical variables and social interactions through the evaluation of quality, satisfaction and customer loyalty behavioral grounding, using structural equations modeling on the set of variables included in the research model. Our results show positive effects of satisfaction, quality and customer loyalty behavioral grounding in forming customer behavioral loyalty.Therefore, we believe that this study should make a significant contribution to the literature on the role of Global environment of the service on customer behavioral loyalty of Hotel services.
In the context of hedonic services, the role of the environment is veryimportant. It is at the same time the support of the offer, the referent of identityand the differentiating element of the service company. Different approacheshave emerged from this perspective to identify the nature of the consumer /physical environment relationship (explanatory approaches, behavioral approachand environmental psychology approach). The purpose of this article is to showthe impact of the components of the physical environment on the behavioralfidelity of hotel services customers. The purpose of this article is to showthe impact of the components of the physical environment on the behavioralfidelity of hotel services customers. A survey was conducted on a sample of 270clients from different cities of Algeria. We shall try to show the role of thephysical variables and social interactions through the evaluation of quality, satisfaction and customer loyalty behavioral grounding, using structural equations modeling on the set of variables included in the research model. Our results show positive effects of satisfaction, quality and customer loyalty behavioral grounding in forming customer behavioral loyalty.Therefore, we believe that this study should make a significantcontribution to the literature on the role of Global environment of the serviceon customer behavioral loyalty of Hotel services.
Databáze: OpenAIRE