Autor: KORUR, Saim, KORKMAZ, Serra Zerrin, Yılmaz, Arzu
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Volume: 6, Issue: 4 1212-1223
Engineering Sciences
ISSN: 1308-7231
Popis: Earthquakes are the very natural disasters that occur in a sudden manner and that have the power to damage the environment. Examining the disaster events occurred in our country in the past, earthquakes effectuate 61% of that and there exist, in the rest percentage, other disaster events such as landslides, floods, fires, avalanches and storms. Earthquakes, with their detrimental characteristics, strike a set of effects on living things, natural environment and structures and create several environmental issues that those who are recovered from earthquake (earthquake-victims) experience as well as a large proportion of life and property loss. Health, housing, safety, transportation, water and waste problems are some of environmental issues occurring after earthquakes to which people are exposed. Recovery works after disasters are naturally-primarily intended to save lives and basic needs of earthquakes-victims are tried to be met afterwards. Food, housing, dressing, medical care and other life-sustaining requirements must be recouped and negative effects of the environment must be prevented. In this study, possible precautions for environmental issues occurring after earthquakes and affecting life-standards of people are accentuated on.
Depremler, ani bir ?ekilde meydana gelen çevreye zarar verebilecek güce sahip do?al afetlerdir. Ülkemizin geçmi?te ya?ady?y afet olaylary incelendi?inde %61'lik kysmyny depremler olu?turmakta, di?er kysymda ise heyelan, sel, yangyn, çy?, fyrtyna gibi afet olaylary bulunmaktadyr. Depremler, hasar yapycy özellikleri ile; canlylar, do?al çevre ve yapylar üzerinde etkiler yaratmakta, büyük orandaki can ve mal kayyplarynyn yany syra, depremden kurtulanlaryn (depremzedelerin) ya?ady?y bir takym çevre sorunlary olu?turmaktadyr. Sa?lyk, barynma, güvenlik, ula?ym, su ve atyk sorunlary insanlaryn maruz kaldyklary deprem sonrasy olu?an çevresel sorunlardan bazylarydyr. Afet sonrasynda çaly?malar do?al olarak öncelikle hayat kurtarmaya yönelik olmakta sonrasynda depremzedelerin temel ihtiyaçlary giderilmeye çaly?ylmaktadyr. Deprem sonrasynda toplumun beslenme, barynma, giyinme, tybbi bakym ve di?er ya?amsal gereksinimleri kar?ylanarak çevrenin olumsuz etkilerinden korunmasy gerekmektedir. Bu çaly?mada, deprem sonrasy ya?anan ve insanlaryn ya?am standartlaryny etkileyen çevre sorunlary de?erlendirilerek alynabilecek önlemler üzerinde durulacaktyr.
Databáze: OpenAIRE