Radyasyon proktitinde argon plazma koagulasyon tedavisinin etkinliği

Autor: ALTINBAS, Akif, AKTAŞ, Bora, EKİZ, Fuat, YILMAZ, Barış, DEVECİ, Murat, ŞİMŞEK, Zahide, ÇOBAN, Şahin, BAŞAR, Ömer, YÜKSEL, Osman
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Volume: 35, Issue: 3 414-418
Cumhuriyet Medical Journal
ISSN: 1305-0028
Popis: Proctitis may be a long term complication of radiation therapy for pelvic malignancies. The exact treatment of radiation proctitis is controversial. Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is the most acceptable therapy of radiation proctitis. In our clinic, two patients were included into the APC therapy protocol in the last two years of follow-up. The underlying diseases of the patients diagnosed with radiation proctitis were prostate cancer and the radiation proctitis were seen 12 and 8 months after cessation of radiation therapy. The APC therapy was perfomed at 15 days intervals. Both of the patients were free of symptoms at the end of the fifth and sixth months of follow up period. In conclusion, APC treatment seems to be effective and safe in radiation proctitis.
Özet Proktit, pelvik bölge kanserlerinde uygulanan radyasyon tedavisinin uzun dönem komplikasyonu olarak görülebilir. Radyasyon proktitinin kesin tedavisi konusunda halen bir kafa karışıklığı vardır. Argon plazma koagulasyon (APC) tedavisi en kabul gören tedavi yöntemidir. Kliniğimizde iki yıllık takip sürecinde radyasyon proktiti tanısı ile iki hasta APC yöntemi ile tedavi edilmiştir. İki hastanın da altta yatan hastalığı prostat kanseri idi ve radyasyon tedavisinin 12 ve 8. aylarında proktit tablosu ortaya çıkmıştı. APC tedavisi 15’er günlük intervaller halinde uygulandı. Her iki hasta da izlemlerinin beşinci ve altıncı aylarında APC tedavisiyle kür sağlandı. Sonuç olarak, APC tedavi protokolü, radyasyon proktitinde etkin ve güvenilir bir tedavi metodu olarak uygulanabilir. Anahtar sözcükler: Radyasyon proktiti, rektal kanama, argon plazma koagulasyon tedavisi Abstract Proctitis may be a long term complication of radiation therapy for pelvic malignancies. The exact treatment of radiation proctitis is controversial. Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is the most acceptable therapy of radiation proctitis. In our clinic, two patients were included into the APC therapy protocol in the last two years of follow-up. The underlying diseases of the patients diagnosed with radiation proctitis were prostate cancer and the radiation proctitis were seen 12 and 8 months after cessation of radiation therapy. The APC therapy was perfomed at 15 days intervals. Both of the patients were free of symptoms at the end of the fifth and sixth months of follow up period. In conclusion, APC treatment seems to be effective and safe in radiation proctitis. Keywords: Radiation proctitis, rectal bleeding, argon plasma coagulation therapy
Databáze: OpenAIRE