Eşîra Hemawendê li gor Belgenameyên Neweşandî
Autor: | SHAMS, Esmail |
Jazyk: | Kurdish |
Rok vydání: | 2021 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Volume: 4, Issue: 16 221-240 Nubihar Akademi |
ISSN: | 2147-883X 2822-3217 |
Popis: | The acts and behaviors of the tribes in Kurdish history have taken place as a result ofvarious historical reasons. Studying on these historical reasons can eliminate a greatnumber of criticisms and historical doubts. Within the framework of historical studiesand the documents that have not been published yet, this study aims at investigatinginto the historical interpretation and observations on doings of Ehmedwendtribes between 1886 and1887. In this way, an organized interpretation of the era ofunity and agreements by two influential figures of Hemewend tribe is coming intoplay. From these two figures, Feqîh Qadirê Hemewend in Kerkuk opposed to Ottomans;in a similar manner, Cewanmîr Hemewend who was the then ruler and borderguard in Iran opposed to Qacars. Likewise, the documents point out how Hemewendtribe aimed to establish an independent state and autonomous institution separatefrom Persian and Ottomans, and how these two states engaged in creating a jointplan to defeat Ehmedwends. Tevger û kirinên hozî di dîroka hozên Kurd da di encama sedemên dîrokî yên cûrbicûr da çêbûne. Lêhûrbûna li ser van sedemên dîrokî dikare gelek rexne û gumanên dîrokî ji holê rake. Armanca vê xebatê ev e ku di çarçoveya lêkolînên dîrokî da û li ser bingeha belgeyên ku heya niha belav nebûne, li ser ravekirina dîrokî û çavdêriya kiryarên hozên Ehmedwend (Hemewend) ên sala 1303-1304 H (1886-1887 Z)an bixebite. Bi vî awayî raveyeke birêkûpêk ji serdema hevgirtin û yekbûna du kesayetên bibandor ên hoza Hemewend derdikevemîr Hemewend jî wek deshilatdar û tixûbdarê wê serdemê li Îranê li dijî Qacariyan tevgerîyaye. Herweha belge diyar dikin ku hoza Ehmedwend çawa li dû avakirina devlet û rêxistineke xweser in ku ji Îran û Osmaniyan cuda be û her du devlet çawa li pey lidarxistina planeke hevbeş in ku Ehmedwendan têk bibin. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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