Architecture, Historiography and Rationality: The Question of the Symbolic Discourse Based on Form in Modern Turkish Architecture in the first half of the 20th century

Autor: CİVELEK, Yusuf
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Issue: 13 131-152
Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi
ISSN: 1303-9369
Popis: Cumhuriyet dönemi Türk mimari edebiyatında mimari biçim ile içerik arasında ilişkileri kuran, değiştiren ve yeniden kuran sembolik bir söylem meydana getirilmiştir. XIX. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde Avrupa’dan esinlenilen tarihselci düşüncenin ateşlediği yeni sentez ve modernleşme arayışları, Osmanlı mimarisinde ilk Batılı anlamda mimari nazariyenin yerleşmesine vesile olmuştur. Bu nazariyenin meyvesi olan Milli Mimari tarzı, 1920’lerin Türkiye’sinde de hâkim mimari olmuştur. Ancak, aynı zamanda eskinin sentez arayışlarından vazgeçilerek yeni bir medeniyet oluşturma ülküsü benimsenmiş, dolayısıyla her alanda gerçekleştirilen inkılâpların mimarinin estetiğinde de aranması kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Bu amaç doğrultusunda 1930’larda benimsenen Modern mimarinin temel vazifesi, reddedilen modernleşme modelinin zıddını temsil etmek olduğundan, sembolik anlam, adeta mimari biçimin asli içeriğine dönüşmüştür. Bu sebeple, Türkiye’de Batılı anlamda mimari nazariye, yerleşmeye fırsat bulamadan, yerini geçmişin ve şimdinin şekilleri arasında zıtlıklar kurma esasına dayalı bir sembolik söyleme bırakmak zorunda kalmıştır.
A symbolic discourse has been created in Turkish architectural literature during the Republican period, which has constituted, changed and reconstituted the relationship between content and form. The Western historicist notions that ignited the search for new syntheses and modernization in the Ottoman Empire during the last quarter of the 19th century, also caused for the first time the architectural thinking based on a Western theoretical basis. The National Architecture ideal, which is the fruit of such theoretical basis, became the dominant architectural style of Turkey also in 1920s. However, the Ottoman search for synthesis was dropped at this time, and the idea of creating a new civilization was adopted. Therefore, reforms made in every field for this purpose quickly involved architectural aesthetics as well. Because the Modern architecture, which was adopted as the official architectural style in 1930s, was charged with a mission to represent the opposite of what was rejected, symbolic meaning became the main content of architectural form. Consequently, architectural theory in Western norms could not find the opportunity to flourish and was subordinated by a symbolic discourse that was based on constructing oppositions between the shapes of the past and today
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