Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Сучасні проблеми Архітектури та Містобудування; № 62 (2022); 314-321
Current problems of architecture and urban planning; No. 62 (2022); 314-321
ISSN: 2077-3455
DOI: 10.32347/2077-3455.2022.62
Popis: The driving force behind society's economic development is people and their purposeful activity. Any purposeful human activity is preceded by a need. To carry out these activities and to fulfill constantly changing needs, appropriate resources - natural, human, industrial, financial, commercial, etc. - are required. However, these resources have limited amounts and are unevenly distributed with respect to individual regions. These issues are resolved in the sphere of commodity circulation by distributing goods in accordance with consumer demand. Contemporary urban planning in Congo is characterized by a process of rapid urban growth and the merging of several settlements into large agglomerations. At the same time, the population of cities is increasing significantly and their territories are expanding. Therefore, the development of a network of shopping malls in recent years is very relevant to the development of the economy, as well as to the architecture of Congo. The article identified the main factors that influence the creation of shopping and entertainment centers. These are the factors that influence the dynamics of human society. Combined with urban planning conditions and requirements, they become an important link in the complex formation of public service facilities. The emergence of shopping centers is associated with the need to develop trade relations and increase the level of the country's economy. Acceleration of scientific and technological progress affects the economic growth and welfare of the population, growth of production of consumer goods and imports in Congo, qualitative improvement of services, as well as the design features and commodity balance of shopping centers. The high demands on the organization of shopping and entertainment services also call for the creation of new, advanced types of buildings.
У статті розглянуто географічні, соціальні, природно-кліматичні, етнічні та економічні особливості Конго. Проведено невеликий статистичний та історичний аналіз. Наведено та розглянуто основні фактори, що впливають на формування, розміщення та наповнення торговельно-розважальних центрів. Виявлено необхідність у будівництві ТРЦ у великих містах країни.
Databáze: OpenAIRE