Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: The Problems of Contemporary Literary Studies; № 29 (2019); 43-55
Проблеми сучасного літературознавства; № 29 (2019); 43-55
ISSN: 2312-6809
Popis: У статті проаналізовано минулі та сучасні критичні рецепції пародії І. Нечуя-Левицького «Без пуття». На основі аналізу параметрів образного мислення письменника, концепцій його науково-критичних праць «Сьогочасне літературне прямування» та «Українська декаденщина» запропоновано нову інтерпретацію ціннісно-смислових параметрів твору.
В статье проанализированы критические концепции прошлого и современности на пародию И. Нечуя-Левицкого «Без толку». На основании анализа параметров образного мышления писателя, концепции его научно-критических работ «Современные литературные направления» и «Украинская декадентщина» предложена новая интерпретация ценностно-смысловых параметров.
In the article it is analyzed past and modern critical adoption of the parody «Bezputjay. The decently story» (1990) by I. S. Nechuy-Levitskiy, who returned to the genre of parody, having the experience of participation in the literary discussion of 70th years XIX century (the work «The literary direction of nowadays»). It is made the critical characterization of I. Nudga, MichaellaKotsubinska, M. Taranenko’s works. These scientists rated I. S. Nechuy-Levitskiy’s story in accordance ith the ideologic concepts of Soviet period. The main attention in the article is turned to the several works of last decade in which the rate of interpretation was grown up decidedly. That is the monograph of the modern Canadian Ukrainian researcher M. Taranvskiy «Unheard Nechuy» which is directed to the learning of the parody «Bezputjay».The author of the article has intention to achieve the reasonable correlation of authors and critical interpretation of the story. However, the primary focus is the imagery, which is comparable with other scientific, publicistic articles and another works, with the content of writer’s letters. The most important thing, which the author wants to analyze in the article, is the special aspects of parodying of the specific story, represented images of thoughts, views, choices and artistic admiration of the Ukrainian pseudo-elite. It was inclined to deny the value of all native, ethnical determining things, having the intention to isolate, be different. At the article it is paid attention that the appeals of modernists, which were measured critically by the writer and represented metaphorically in the articles and parody, offered to drop the handkerchief to «the esthetism», ignored the value of context, idea, point and emotion in the artistic work, confirmed the idea that art is even more than life. I. S. Nechuy-Levitskiy thinks that all these appeals are futureless. The author claims that this method is a good variant to neutralize not just some abstract and humanist ideals of Ukrainian literature, but also it ignores the Person for needs of soul, human rights which for the literature was created most of all.
Databáze: OpenAIRE