Інституціональні проблеми безпеки та оборони ЄС у контексті розширення співробітництва з Україною

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Efficiency of public administration; № 64 (2020)
Ефективність державного управління; № 64 (2020)
ISSN: 2070-4011
Popis: Розглянуто проблеми функціонування та розвитку наднаціональних інституцій Європейського Союзу (далі – ЄС) у сфері безпеки та оборони на фоні змін військово-політичної ситуації у світі. Проаналізовано діяльність безпекових структур, визначено їх організаційно-правовий статус та обсяг завдань із забезпечення обороноздатності ЄС. Охарактеризовано їх повноваження стосовно національних систем безпеки та оборони. Розкрито основні напрямки забезпечення інституціональної стійкості оборонних структур у контексті зміни позиції Сполучених Штатів Америки (далі – США) як основи військової могутності Північноатлантичного альянсу (далі – НАТО) та охарактеризовано можливості створення Європейського оборонного союзу. Доведено, що ЄС необхідно кардинально переглянути свої підходи до забезпечення безпеки передусім у сфері взаємодії збройних сил країн-членів при проведенні спільних операцій і їх ресурсного забезпечення. Встановлено, що для України розвиток автономних наднаціональних європейських оборонних структур відкриває можливість для додаткового поглиблення співпраці із ЄС і паралельного посилення обороноздатності.
Problem setting. Ukraine’s implementation of the strategy of integration into the European Union necessitates taking into account the experience of countries that have already transformed security institutions in accordance with the European democratic tradition, as well as their adaptation to the nature of threats to EU member states. Ukraine’s security is based on strengthening the Ñommon European security in all its dimensions. In the conditions of Russian armed aggression and “hybrid war”, Ukraine faces the task of creating a modern and effective system of state defense and integrating into international systems. Solving this problem, the successful implementation of defense reform require examining foreign experience in the organization of the EU defense system, peculiarities of development of the security and defense sector in the context of expanding democracy. Ukraine is not a member of NATO and, under the current conditions of counteracting Russia’s armed aggression is forced to develop national defense forces which are necessary to restore territorial integrity.Recent research and publications analysis. Due to Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, the study of experience of the leading EU and NATO member states in the field of defense has recently received more and more attention. Thus, a significant contribution into the study of the evolution of European security and defense policy was made by such foreign scholars as R. Gardner, K. Gill, M. Craig, S. Morsch, D. Navarette, M. Smith, B. Tonra, and others. The analysis of the processes of creation and formation of the common foreign security policy of the EU were covered in the works of such domestic scientists as S. Voloshchuk, O. Vonsovych, M. Hladysh, V. Govorukha, Y. Gonchar, A. Grubinko, V. Rud, O. Snigir, V. Streltsov, O. Turchenko, L. Falaleyev, N. Fesenko, V. Shatun, A. Sheludchenkova and others. O. Bodruk, M. Yezheev, V. Gorbulin, O. Litvinenko, V. Gorovenko, M. Lobko, O. Izhak, A. Lobanov, V. Grubov, F. Saganyuk, I. Romanov, V. Trotsko, I. Veshchytsky, M. Sungurovsky and other authors dedicated their works to the development of the defense sectors in the conditions of expansion and deepening of democracy.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The variability of the political situation, new challenges and threats lead to a constant search for new approaches to addressing security issues. This is what actualizes the problematics of the article.Paper main body. The purpose and the task of the article is to study the system of public management of the EU defense sphere and identify opportunities and areas of cooperation between Ukraine and EU defense structures at the supranational level.The activity of security structures is analyzed, their organizational and legal status and the scope of tasks to ensure the defense capabilities of the union are determined, their powers in relation to national security and defense systems are characterized. The main directions of ensuring the institutional stability of defense structures in the context of changing the position of the United States as the basis of NATO’s military power are described and the possibilities of creating a European Defense Alliance are described. It is proved that the EU needs to radically reconsider its approaches to security, first of all, in the field of cooperation of the armed forces of the member states while conducting joint operations and their resource provision. It is established that for Ukraine the development of autonomous supranational European defense structures opens the possibility for further deepening of cooperation with the EU and parallel strengthening its defense capabilities.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. For Ukraine, the development of autonomous supranational European defense structures opens a possibility for further deepening of cooperation with the EU and parallel strengthening of defense capabilities. Such cooperation is a mutually beneficial process, during which Ukraine contributes to the security of the Euro-Atlantic region, and on the other hand, gains the necessary experience in the process of training and exercises.The partnership approach to the further development of Ukraine’s cooperation with the EU in the field of foreign policy and security demonstrates three directions:– cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the international and regional dimensions for the sake of common security;– EU assistance in strengthening the stability and security of Ukraine;– Ukraine’s contribution to the security of Europe.It is obvious that in the future the international and regional dimensions of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU will be based on the full support of Ukraine by the European Union in matters relating to sovereignty, territorial integrity, protection of national interests, state and human security. In return, Ukraine must support EU policy, adhere to European values and become their proponent in the regional dimension. Ukraine’s main contribution to Europe’s security is to strengthen its own defense capabilities and deter Russian aggression on its eastern borders.EU-Ukraine cooperation can be developed both on a large scale and through individual initiatives. The EU Global Strategy provides an opportunity to develop proactive cooperation, for example between the Visegrad Group and Ukraine, or the countries of the Black Sea region in a wide range of issues related to security, crime prevention, terrorism, exchange of information on security issues.
Databáze: OpenAIRE