Autor: Cавчук, Борис
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Youth & market; No. 5/203 (2022)
Молодь і ринок; № 5/203 (2022)
ISSN: 2308-4634
DOI: 10.24919/2617-0825.5/203.2022
Popis: The article compares and highlights the common between coaching and related concepts – “mentorship”, “guidance”, “tutoring”, “advisory”, “facilitator”. It is shown that they are a priori related to the core concepts of “educator”, “teacher”, “mentor” and relate to the process of personality formation and development and different styles of relationships. The essence of coaching is defined as a way of independent advancement of a person towards his goal and the disclosure and realization of his personal potential with the support of a coach. From such positions, it is compared with other phenomena: “mentorship” and “guidance”, which also contribute to the personal and professional development of the future or inexperienced specialist, but do not involve subject-subject relations; tutoring, which involves the performance of specific functions in the implementation of the personal learning trajectory of the student; advisory, which combines the functions of consulting and helping practitioners on certain specific problems of professional training and activities of specialists; facilitation, designed to ensure effective communication and help resolve conflict situations. It is proven that attempts to integrate the defined concepts under a “common umbrella” in the form of mentorship have no basis. In the most common sense, mentorship can be interpreted as a relationship in which a more experienced person helps another learn certain competencies. In this sense, on the one hand, it has a lot in common with coaching, tutoring, and facilitation, because in all cases it is about purposeful relationships and the influence of a mentor (coach, teacher, tutor), who transfer their knowledge and experience for the personal and professional growth of another persons. On the other hand, these phenomena involve different mechanisms and techniques, methods of transferring experience and knowledge, as well as the nature of the influence of one person on another.
У статті здійснено зіставлення феномену коучингу з поняттями “менторство”, “наставництво”, “тьюторство”, “едвайзерство”, “фасилітаторство”. Сутність коучингу визначено як шлях самостійного просування особи до мети та реалізації її потенціалу за підтримкою коуча. Він порівнюється з “менторством” і “наставництвом” (сприяють особистісному становленню фахівця, але не передбачають суб’єкт-суб’єктних відносин); тьюторство (передбачає виконання специфічних функцій в реалізації особистісної траєкторії навчання студента); едвайзерством (консультування фахівців-практиків з певної проблеми професійної підготовки); фасилататорством (забезпечує ефективну комунікацію та допомагає врегулювати конфліктні ситуації).
Databáze: OpenAIRE