Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Vehicle and electronics. Innovative technologies; No. 19 (2021); 35-40
Автомобіль і електроніка. Сучасні технології; № 19 (2021); 35-40
ISSN: 2226-9266
DOI: 10.30977/VEIT.2021.19.0
Popis: Problem. Repair dimensions method regulates increment of cylinders by the means of mechanical treatment, which leads to increasing of working volume of the engine. This will cause a change of dynamics and fuel-efficiensy indicators of the car with the certain type of transmission. Goal. The goal is to comparatively evaluate dynamism and fuel-efficiency of automotive vehicle category N2 with two options of engines, which have nominal and repair cylinder sizes. The riding cycle of the cars with robotic stepped gearbox was researched, that is without breaking of force stream while switching gears. Methology. Imitative simulation of cars riding cycle, according to standard, was conducted with the help of Matlab Simulink software. Because of the fact that mathematical model of cars movement during mentioned cycle is based on elementary dependencies, for its realization the only basics avialable blocks of the sofware package were used. The flowchart is given in the paper. Results. Simulation of riding cycle of N2 – category automotive vehicle with robotic gearbox was conducted at full engine’s capacity while running-up. Obtained results have shown that engines with repairment sizes have advantage in dynamism indicators, engines with nominal cylinder sizes have advantages in fuel-efficiency. Originality. For obtaining of comparative evaluation of dynamics and fuel-efficiency indicators of the car with robotic gearbox with different engines, the imitation simulation of riding cycle, according to standarts, was used with the help of Matlab Simulink software. Practical value. Application of the repairment sizes method upon the engine’s cylinder liners has shown improvement of dynamics indicators of car with robotic transmission, which will improve its productivity under excessive engines work conditions.
Наведено результати порівняльних досліджень показників динамічності та паливоощадності автотранспортного засобу категорії N2, оснащеного двигуном з номінальними та ремонтними розмірами циліндрів. Для цього використано імітаційне моделювання руху автомобіля за наявності роботизованої східчастої коробки передач на їздових циклах, регламентованих стандартом.
Databáze: OpenAIRE