Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Modern School; No. 2(4) (2020); 119-128
Психолого-педагогічні проблеми сучасної школи; № 2(4) (2020); 119-128
ISSN: 2706-6258
Popis: The article considers the main stages of the education system development, revealing the presence of an ecological component in it, reveals the relationship between environmental culture and environmental education. It is established that the education system still does not include as particularly important goals of personal knowledge and skills that shape its environmental culture, although the role of the latter in the formation of the value system of modern society is becoming increasingly important. The key to the formation of ecological culture is the education system, which, accumulating the achievements of science and practice, is able to change the way of life, human activity and society as a whole in accordance with the changes taking place in the biosphere. The effect of advancement in environmental education includes a number of basic characteristics, the implementation of which will result in an increase in the overall level of environmental culture. Environmental education is initiated by UNESCO (“Planet Survival Program”), the process of “landscaping” receives a theoretical basis and implementation in pedagogical practice, the credo of which is “to prepare people for dialogue with nature”. The public, concerned about the weakening of public attention to environmental education, is taking steps to change the situation to strengthen general environmental training in secondary and higher education, as an integral part of raising the level of environmental culture of the younger generation. It is proved that the family is the main center of society, the ecological component of which can be realized as parents, other family members are open to environmental problems. Preschools are designed to continue to perform the same function. With a favorable course of the process up to 5‒6 years, children form an idea of the relationship of natural phenomena with human activities. Underestimation of the role of this stage of the educational process distorts the perception of environmental problems in the future. New opportunities are concluded in the next stage of environmental education ‒ school and university. This is the main unit of the environmental education system.
У статті розглянуто основні етапи розвитку системи освіти, виявляючи наявність у ній екологічної складової, розкрито взаємозв’язок екологічної культури та екологічної освіти. Встановлено, що система освіти до теперішнього часу не включає в якості особливо значущих цілей отримання особистістю знань і навичок, які формують її екологічну культуру. Доведено, що сім’я є основним осередком соціуму, екологічна складова у якій може бути реалізована в міру відкритості батьків, інших членів сім’ї до проблем екології.
Databáze: OpenAIRE