Досвід регулювання ринку продукції равликівництва в США та можливості його реалізації в Україні

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Научный вестник Полесья; № 2 (25) (2022): Науковий вісник Полісся; 6-19
Scientific bulletin of Polissia; No. 2 (25) (2022): Scientific Bulletin of Polissia; 6-19
Науковий вісник Полісся; № 2 (25) (2022): Науковий вісник Полісся; 6-19
ISSN: 2410-9576
Popis: The article proves that the branches of the agrarian sector of the economy now occupy a leading place in the national economies of various countries, including Ukraine.Scientific and practical explorations of finding ways of regulatory aspects of industry regulation have been conducted, and it has also been noted that the agrarian sector of the economy now occupies a leading place in the national economies of various countries, including Ukraine.The development of the sector depends on various factors. It is substantiated that one of the most influential is the regulation of sectoral agro-food markets. By developing branches of the agrarian sector of the economy, it is possible to achieve positive results and ensure sustainablegrowth of agriculture and food security. One area where investments in agriculture can have a significant impact on the entire agricultural sector is investing in snail production technologies, including onward supply to domestic and foreign markets. At the same time, the regulation of the snail market is a rather complex issue that requires balanced decisions. Given the fact that in most countries of the world snails are not a popular consumer product, regulatory mechanisms for them are not widespread. However, in some countries, such as France, Italy and the USA, snails are quite a popular dish and require appropriate regulatory measures and the study of the experience of the export potential of heliceculture, the possibilities of exportingsnails in order to implement the basic provisions in practical activities in Ukraine. Ideas where investments in the field of agriculture can have a significant impact on the entire agricultural sector are proposed, namely investing in innovative technologies for the production of snails, including further deliveries to domestic and foreign markets. The basic indicators and measures of regulation in the aspect of studying the experience of management and regulationof the snail farming market in the USA are substantiated. Scientific substantiation of measures for the market of snail farming products in the USA has been carried out, and fundamental approaches and opportunities for their application in the agro-food market in Ukraine have been proposed for practical application within the framework of UCT ZED and KVED-2010.The basic component indicators of economic efficiency are proposed and adapted. It is substantiated that these indicators should be applied to various branches of the national economy, since they are in the system of general economic categories and are suitable for adaptation in the implementation of any type of entrepreneurial and economic activity. It is proposed to create mechanisms for monitoring and controlling the quality of products, which will allowtimely detection of violations and prevent the spread of unreliable products on the market.Attention was focused on the importance of developing and implementing mechanisms for stimulating the development of the snail farming industry, such as supporting research and innovation, attracting investments, providing financial assistance for the development of enterprises and creating favorable conditions for the attractiveness of the industry for investors.
У статті доведено, що галузі аграрного сектору економіки нині посідають провідне місце в національних економіках різних країн, включаючи Україну. Запропоновано ідеї, де інвестиції в галузі сільського господарства можуть мати значний вплив на весь аграрний сектор, зокрема інвестування в інноваційні технології виробництва равликів, включаючи подальші поставки на внутрішній та зовнішній ринки. Обґрунтовано базові індикатори й заходи регулювання в аспекті вивчення досвіду регулювання ринку равликівництва в США. Здійснено наукове обґрунтування заходів ринку продукції равликівництва в США та запропоновано до прикладного застосування основоположні підходи та можливості їх застосування на агропродовольчому ринку в Україні в межах УКТ ЗЕД та КВЕД-2010.
Databáze: OpenAIRE