Jazyk: | ukrajinština |
Rok vydání: | 2016 |
Předmět: |
дрібна промисловість
професійно-реміснича освіта система учнівства кустар-наставник нова економічна політика договір робочий день відпустка соціальне страхування нормативно-правовий акт заробітна плата термін навчання мелкая промышленность профессионально-ремесленное образование система ученичества кустарь-наставник новая экономическая политика договор рабочий день отпуск социальное страхование нормативно-правовой акт заработная плата срок обучения small industry professional and vocational education apprenticeships craftsmen mentor new economic policy contract working hours holidays social insurance legal act salary training period |
Zdroj: | Чорноморський літопис; № 9 (2014) |
ISSN: | 2079-682X |
Popis: | Вивчено еволюцію законодавчого регулювання системи учнівства в період НЕПу. Виявлено причини і основні етапи цього процесу, показано його характерні риси. Вказано на необхідність прийняття конкретних нормативно-правових актів, відзначено особливості їх застосування на практиці. Простежено взаємозв’язок між юридичною базою системи учнівства і загальним правовим полем, в якому функціонувала кустарно-реміснича промисловість УРСР. Изучено эволюцию законодательного регулирования системы ученичества в период НЭПа. Выявлены причины и основные этапы этого процесса, показано его характерные черты. Указано на необходимость принятия конкретных нормативно-правовых актов, отмечены особенности их применения на практике. Прослежено взаимосвязи между юридической базой системы ученичества и общим правовым полем, в котором функционировала кустарно-ремесленная промышленность УССР. Currently the small business occupies an important role in the economy of Ukraine. Develop of it is expedient in economic and social spheres. You should know the history of handicraft industry USSR and professional-educational craft, to optimize this process. The process of apprenticeship was an important part of it. It was a dominant form of preparing handicraftsmen before revolution in 1917 and in a period of NEP (1921-1928). The Soviet Union began legislatively support the system of apprenticeship in connection with the beginning of the NEP. In the first half of 1920th the law of system of apprenticeship did not set difference between students of handicraftsmen and students of state vocational trade schools. Each person, who was under 16 years old, was able to become a student of handicraftsman. In the workshop of one handicraftsman could be only two students.In the second half of 1920th the master of handicraftsman had to establish a written agreement with his student. In this agreement should be indicated the future profession, salary, period of rest. The agreement must have been registered in the government bodies. The Soviet laws were fighting with patriarchal backwardness in relations between apprentice and his master. The apprentice could go away from master, if master made him to do his work, which is not his specialty. According laws in period of NEP the handicraftsman had to pay a salary to his student for his work. The work day lasted 8 hours. The vacation lased 1 month. The master could fire his apprentice having warned him for two weeks. The handicraftsman must have given to student certificate of studying. The apprentice was able to go to school and participate in social life in his free time. The handicraftsman must have insured life and health of his students. The handicraftsmen, who had students, got benefits in the calculation of taxes and housing costs. If there was a conflict between handicraftsman and apprentice, it solved in reconciliation commission or in the court. The work of soviet authority of creating legal framework for the apprenticeship system was necessary and legitimate. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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