Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Military Scientific Journal; No. 36 (2021): Military Scientific Journal; 123-146
Військово-науковий вісник; № 36 (2021): Військово-науковий вісник; 123-146
ISSN: 2313-5603
DOI: 10.33577/2313-5603.36.2021
Popis: World War II history belongs to the highly priority and intensively researched thematic niches. An important aspect of the scientific efforts of domestic researchers is the exposure of its regional subjects. Despite a significant number of "blank spots", unconsciously or consciously unrevealed, frequent political bias, the truthful coverage of the essence, in particular the social history of the times of war hard times, remains an important scientific problem. Research on the situation of the population of Ostroh district during World War II requires the use of certain types of sources and special tools in their objective interpretation. And this only strengthens and emphasizes the relevance of the specified research. The article covers the routine life of the population of Ostroh district during the German occupation (1941–1944). The process of formation of the district, town and village administrations, which were an integral part of the Nazi administration, is traced. The functions of Ukrainian Auxiliary Police have been distinguished and its personnel has been characterized. The economical policy of the Nazi invaders was explained, which was based on ruthless exploitation of the indigenous population, which was not only deprived of civil rights and freedoms, but also suffered from the food shortage, inflation, terrible everyday life conditions, etc. It is shown that mass repressions and forced removal of the Ostroh citizens to work in the Reich became a terrible daily reality. The state of education, culture and religious life in the Ostroh district under the conditions of the "new order" is analyzed. The methodological basis of the research is the principles of scientific objectivity and historicism. Thus, by occupying Ostroh district in July 1941 Nazis integrated this territory into their practical experiments, establishing there total economic dependence of the population and racial and cultural-educational discrimination. The main feature of Nazi power was the comprehensive control of key spheres of life: politics, economics, and culture. The occupation regime was marked by repressions, total economic looting, and the deportation of people to work in Germany. World War II history belongs to the highly priority and intensively researched thematic niches. An important aspect of the scientific efforts of domestic researchers is the exposure of its regional subjects. Despite a significant number of "blank spots", unconsciously or consciously unrevealed, frequent political bias, the truthful coverage of the essence, in particular the social history of the times of war hard times, remains an important scientific problem. Research on the situation of the population of Ostroh district during World War II requires the use of certain types of sources and special tools in their objective interpretation. And this only strengthens and emphasizes the relevance of the specified research. The article covers the routine life of the population of Ostroh district during the German occupation (1941–1944). The process of formation of the district, town and village administrations, which were an integral part of the Nazi administration, is traced. The functions of Ukrainian Auxiliary Police have been distinguished and its personnel has been characterized. The economical policy of the Nazi invaders was explained, which was based on ruthless exploitation of the indigenous population, which was not only deprived of civil rights and freedoms, but also suffered from the food shortage, inflation, terrible everyday life conditions, etc. It is shown that mass repressions and forced removal of the Ostroh citizens to work in the Reich became a terrible daily reality. The state of education, culture and religious life in the Ostroh district under the conditions of the "new order" is analyzed. The methodological basis of the research is the principles of scientific objectivity and historicism. Thus, by occupying Ostroh district in July 1941 Nazis integrated this territory into their practical experiments, establishing there total economic dependence of the population and racial and cultural-educational discrimination. The main feature of Nazi power was the comprehensive control of key spheres of life: politics, economics, and culture. The occupation regime was marked by repressions, total economic looting, and the deportation of people to work in Germany.
У статті висвітлено повсякденне життя населення Острожчини у період німецької окупації (1941–1944 рр.). Простежено процес формування районної, міської та сільських управ, які становили невід’ємну частину гітлерівської адміністрації. Виокремлено функції української допоміжної поліції, охарактеризо­вано її особовий склад. З’ясовано економічну політику німецьких загарбників, в основі якої лежала нещадна експлуатація місцевого населення, котре, крім того, було позбавлене громадянських прав і свобод, страждало від дефіциту продовольства, інфляції, жахливих побутових умов тощо. Показано, що масові репресії, примусове вивезення острожан на роботи до Райху стали жахливим повсякденням. Проаналізований стан освіти, культури релігійного життя на Острожчині в умовах «нового порядку».
Databáze: OpenAIRE