Autor: Iermoshyn, M. O., Drobaha, G. A., Oleshenko, O. A.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Honor and Law; Том 2, № 69 (2019); 10-19
Честь і Закон; Том 2, № 69 (2019); 10-19
ISSN: 2078-7480
Popis: The article discusses the formulation of the problem of synthesizing the structures of complex organizational systems for military purposes, which is carried out when creating a group of troops (forces) and maintaining them in a state where they are able to accomplish the tasks assigned to them, requires development of not only modern tactics, but also the implementation of sustainable and continuous control of troops, but also of even more complex issues of scientific substantiation of the structure of the military system, the organization of the joint use of various forces in the oppression of troops (forces). The synthesis is as follows: to find the composition of the components and elements of the system and the connections between them, the implementation of which can satisfy the established requirements for the effectiveness of the functioning of a complex organizational system of military purposes with known resource constraints, etc. A complex military system consists of the corresponding components and elements. The components of the system are its subsystems (combat, control, intelligence, electronic warfare, engineering, technical and logistical support, moral and psychological support, etc.). Elements of such a system are military units with their combat capabilities (fire, maneuverability, reconnaissance, etc.) under specific conditions of the situation. To accomplish successfully the tasks of military formations as part of a group of forces, timely synthesis of the structure of the military system is necessary. The structure of a military system is understood as the mutual arrangement of its elements and the totality of connections and relations between them. They ensure the integrity of the system and the ability of military formations to perform assigned tasks, taking into account the basic properties of interacting subsystems and elements of the system under certain conditions of the situation and the state of the troops (forces).Synthesis of the structure of a complex organizational system of military use is carried out by simulating the combat actions of the parties using models and tasks, geoinformation systems based on the determined indicators and criteria. Groups of indicators and criteria for the analysis and synthesis of the structure of a complex military system are mutually agreed among themselves through the indicator of the effectiveness of hostilities.A military system is considered rational if it is capable of ensuring the specified effectiveness of the combat operations of the troops in the forecasted conditions of the situation.Practically, an approach to synthesizing the structure of a complex organizational system for military purposes can be implemented during tactical exercises and during combat training in order to substantiate the components and elements, the structure of the military system, and also the concept of combat actions of military units and divisions, and develop recommendations to troops (forces).
Розглянуто постановку задачі синтезу структур складних організаційних систем воєнного призначення, що здійснюється під час створення угруповання військ (сил) та підтримання його у стані, коли воно здатне виконувати покладені на нього завдання. Це вимагає розроблення питань не тільки сучасної тактики і здійснення стійкого та безперервного управління військами, а й ще більш складних питань наукового обґрунтування структури системи воєнного призначення, організації сумісного застосування різних сил у складі угруповання військ (сил). Практично підхід до синтезу структури складної організаційної системи воєнного призначення може бути реалізований під час тактичних навчань та у ході бойової підготовки з метою обґрунтування компонент та елементів, структури системи воєнного призначення, а також замислу бойових дій військових частин і підрозділів, вироблення рекомендацій військам (силам).
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