Оказіоналізми як засоби увиразнення авторського мовлення миттрополита Іларіона

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Ivan Ohiienko and contemporary science and education; No. XV (2018): Іван Огієнко і сучасна наука та освіта; 30-35
Іван Огієнко і сучасна наука та освіта; № XV (2018): Іван Огієнко і сучасна наука та освіта; 30-35
ISSN: 2309-7086
Popis: In the article of the philosophic trilogy of Metropolitan Ilarion «Life Sea», occasional formations are considered as the result of author’s creation. The basic ways of creating this type of neologisms, author’s word-creation models and means are determined. The functional assignment of occasionalisms in the poetic discourse of Metropolitan Ilarion was found. Occasionalisms are considered as extraterritorial speech phenomena, which illustrate the ways and forms of the development of the language of an individual author, period, reflect the interaction between language and speech, as well as update wordformation and fi gurative funds of the Ukrainian language. Occasionalism in the poetic speech of Metropolitan Ilarion defines the degree of his skill, which speaks of the existence of anidiostyle, which makes it possible to recognize his artistic discourse among a number of similar ones. Although most of I.I. Ohiienko’s literary works are characterized by an exquisite literary language with book coloring, the author’s writing makes a significant difference to his creative style, which makes it possible to stamp out the author’s discourse clearly. In the philosophical trilogy «Life Sea» Occasionalism – a bright poetic tool, which is the consequence of the creation of Metropolitan Ilarion. In the poetic discourse of the author we fall into the lexical, morphological, graphical occasional, giving his works of dynamics, expression, imagery, successfully update opinion. They promote the activation of events, visualize the content of the work, significantly improve the process of encoding / decoding content, refi ne and develop it, enrich the arsenal of ideological and artistic author’s means.
У статті на матеріалі філософської трилогії Митрополита Іларіона «Житейське море» розглянуто оказіональні утворення як авторський поетичний засіб. Визначено основні способи творення цього типу неологізмів, авторські словотвірні моделі та засоби. З’ясовано функціональне призначення оказіоналізмів у поетичному дискурсі Митрополита Іларіона.
Databáze: OpenAIRE