The main lines of the institute of scientific certification and titulature (USSR, UKRSSR, 1940-1991)

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Вісник НТУУ "КПІ" Політологія. Соціологія. Право; № 3(19) (2013); 123-128
National Technical University of Ukraine Journal. Political science. Sociology. Law; № 3(19) (2013); 123-128
ISSN: 2308-5053
Popis: Статтю присвячено аналізу історичного досвіду формування та функціонування інституту наукової титулатури як системи присвоєння наукових ступенів та присудження вчених звань в СРСР / УРСР протягом 1940-х – 1991 рр. Аналізуються шляхи вдосконалення правового регулювання чинного в Україні порядку атестації наукових кадрів вищої кваліфікації.
Historical traditions of dynamics of the system of scientific degrees in Ukraine and correspond questions of terminology for a designation of concepts of attestative activity as institute of award of scientific degrees and assignment of academic statuses was consider.This article the historical experience of the formation and functioning of the institution as a system of titles of scientific degrees and ranks in the Soviet Union / USSR during 1940 - 1991 analyzes. The ways of improvement of legal regulation in force in Ukraine the order of certification highly qualified scientific personnel.Also, in article historical traditions and modern lines of dynamics of the system of scientific degrees in Ukraine and correspond questions of terminology for a designation of concepts of attestative activity as institute of award of scientific degrees and assignment of academic statuses was consider. The present condition and prospects of legislative process are analyzed.As a result, on the one hand, improvement of traditional legal norms, on the other hand, the revision of traditional principles up to the middle of the first decade of the XXIst century such features and tendencies were fixed in the developing order of granting academic degrees and titles in Ukraine.
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