Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Spatial development; No. 3 (2023); 219-231
Просторовий розвиток; № 3 (2023); 219-231
ISSN: 2786-7269
DOI: 10.32347/2786-7269.2023.3
Popis: The article examines the main prerequisites for the appearance of conflicts in certain historical periods of human existence. The analysis of the main conditions for preventing the appearance of conflicts in certain periods of the development of relations between people was carried out. The reasoning of thinkers and scientists,both from the past and the present, regarding the nature of the appearance of conflicts and the methods of resolving conflict situations has been studied. The main causes of legal conflicts, as a type of social and ideological conflicts in the context of their interaction, are determined. Starting from the historical past, when certain relations between people were just being formed and born, many thinkers, activists and philosophers tried to understand the nature of the occurrence of conflicts and provided an explanation of the reasons for their appearance. During this period, an analysis of various types of conflicts was carried out, conclusions and advice on preventing the occurrence of conflict situations were made, and their works from the past were taken as a basis for further study of this phenomenon in the present. Conflict is an important aspect of the interaction of people in society, it exists as long as there is a person himself, it is a common phenomenon of social life. Society will achieve more effective results in its actions if it does not turn a blind eyes to conflicts, but adheres to certain rules aimed at regulating them. The essence of these rules in the modern world is to prevent violence as a means of resolving the conflict, to achieve mutual understanding between the parties involved in the conflict. The growth of conflict in society and on the planet requires a deep understanding of its nature, dynamics, the creation of certain regional, state and international structures that would investigate its manifestations and create special theoretical and practical methods and skills for conflict resolution. In order to study the nature of conflicts, it is necessary to bring together scientists from different sciences and fields: political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, philosophers, historians, teachers, economists, jurists, doctors, theologians, biologists and managers. 
Розглянуто основні передумови появи конфліктів певних історичних періодів існування людства. Проведений аналіз основних умов запобігання появи конфліктів в певні періоди розвитку відносин між людьми. Досліджено міркування мислителів і науковців, як з минулого так і сьогодення, щодо природи появи конфліктів і методів вирішення конфліктних ситуацій. Визначено основні причини виникнення юридичних конфліктів, як різновиду соціальних, а також світоглядних конфліктів в контексті їхньої взаємодії. 
Databáze: OpenAIRE