Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Збірник наукових праць Дніпровського державного технічного університету (технічні науки); Том 1 № 38 (2021): collection; 99-105
Collection of scholarly papers of Dniprovsk State Technical University (Technical Sciences); Vol. 1 No. 38 (2021): collection; 99-105
ISSN: 2519-2884
Popis: In the given article the actual modern scientific problem is solved — on the basis of experimental data the mathematical model of movement of a particle in a vortex layer at heat treatment taking into account multiphase of a stream is created. At the current level of development of vortex devices, the relevance of research aimed at in-depth study of processes, improvement of structures and manufacturing technology of individual components has increased. The lack of a strict theory is felt most acutely in the design of systems and installations in which the vortex apparatus is one of the main units. In this regard, the priority remains the development of a theory that allows to obtain a fairly reliable mathematical description of the processes occurring in the vortex chamber of the apparatus. The patterns of propagation of the swirling jet depend on a large number of different conditions (design features of the nozzle, the intensity of the twist) and flow parameters (their density and speed). The flow in the jet has a complex non-automodal character, in connection with which in other works it was considered expedient to use for calculation numerical methods of integration of equations of motion to describe the non-automodal flow in ordinary jets. The disadvantage of these models is that when solving the model of vortex flows go into the model of laminar flows. In this case, many quantities cannot be determined analytically or experimentally. When dividing the flow into the zone of the vortex and the zone of the main vortex, the error in the calculations of the hydrodynamics of the flow, and especially the particles, increases significantly due to the use of different equations of the turbulent viscosity, which is taken for each zone constant. These models are written for a continuous medium and are therefore not suitable for multiphase flow. The peculiarities of the trajectory of the material particle in the vortex apparatus are determined and the dependences are obtained, which allow to control the heat treatment time and on the basis of which it is possible to design the optimal vortex device for drying dispersed materials. The mathematical models obtained in this work can be used in methods of calculations and design of vortex heat and mass transfer devices. The calculations performed according to the equations of the proposed model show satisfactory agreement with the experimental data. When estimating the relative velocities of the particle in the unloading part of the vortex apparatus, it is obvious that the use of equations for laminar flow, which are traditionally used in calculations, leads to significant errors.
У наведеній статті вирішено актуальну сучасну наукову задачу — на підставі експериментальних даних створено математичну модель руху частки у вихровому шарі при термообробці з врахуванням багатофазності потоку. В роботі визначено особливості траєкторії руху частинки матеріалу у вихровому апараті та отримано залежності, які дозволяють керувати часом термообробки, та на основі яких можна спроектувати оптимальний вихровий пристрій для сушіння дисперсних матеріалів. Отримані в роботі математичні моделі можуть використовуватись в методиках розрахунків та проектування вихрових тепломасообмінних пристроїв.
Databáze: OpenAIRE