Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Modern School; No. 2(4) (2020); 129-139
Психолого-педагогічні проблеми сучасної школи; № 2(4) (2020); 129-139
ISSN: 2706-6258
Popis: The article sets the task to consider the interdisciplinary sphere of professional activity related to the creation and use of specialized musical software and hardware – music informatics – which requires knowledge and skills both in the music field and in the field of computer science.The issue of interdisciplinary links and their implementation in the educational process in higher education institutions has been raised in the article. The content of the concept of information competence as a component of professional competence and information culture has been consider.The author argues that the use of intersubject communications contributes to the formation of practical skills and abilities to apply knowledge in one discipline during the study of others.It has been analyzed the importance of pedagogy of cooperation, which uses a variety of forms of learning: group work, collective creative work, work in microgroups, work in variable groups;The result of a scientific article is the conclusion about the feasibility of the high-quality implementation of interdisciplinary connections, the spread of interdisciplinary relations within not only the artistic-aesthetic and related humanitarian cycles in the classes on “Music Informatics”, but also with other, so to speak, deleted subjects; the use of art both as a means of developing special artistic abilities and thinking, and as a universal way of stimulating the creative potential of an individual.Among the prospects for research in this direction, the author identifies a purely practical aspect, in particular, the creation of methodological materials, manuals, the development and implementation of a system that is based on an information technology basis and which takes into account the orientation of students in the use of computer technology in professional and musical pedagogical activities in a subtle combination with other disciplines, the establishment and strengthening of the relationships between them.
У статті ставиться завдання розглянути міждисциплінарну сферу професійної діяльності, пов’язану зі створенням та застосуванням спеціалізованих музичних програмно-апаратних засобів, – музичну інформатику. Метою статті є висвітлення творчого підходу в процесі вивчення дисципліни «Музична інформатика», де значну роль в інтелектуальному розвитку студентів, формуванні їхнього світогляду та інформатичної компетентності відіграє використання та реалізація міжпредметних зв’язків. Це сприяє формуванню практичних умінь та навичок застосовувати знання з однієї дисципліни під час вивчення інших.
Databáze: OpenAIRE