Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Philological Studies; № 26 (2017); 48-53
Філологічні науки; № 26 (2017); 48-53
ISSN: 2524-2490
Popis: Статтю присвячено вивченню феномену ліризму в романі «Прапороносці» О. Гончара. Доведено, що О. Гончар у романі «Прапороносці» органічно поєднує реалістичне сприйняття відтворення світу з романтичним. Митець зображує бачення війни, практично не відступаючи від соцреалістичного канону, проте засоби ліризму, зокрема мотив кохання, заглиблення у внутрішній світ персонажів, використання образів-описів, образів-символів, звернення до народнопоетичних традицій, прийому контрасту, що наскрізно виявляються в тексті, надають твору художньої цінності.
In the article the features of the embodiment of the phenomenon lyrism of the novel trilogy «Flag beares» by O. Honchar are studied. It was found that among a large number of different studies dedicated to Honchar’s, prose there is only a small part of works, where scientists mark lyricism as one of the main features of the novel, but the definite integral analysis of the phenomenon is not represented. Taking into account the fact that lyrism of the trilogy «Flag bearers» is an important component for playback of the ideological and aesthetic intent of the writer, this aspect of their study is relevant and represents scientific interest. The purpose of this article is to analyze the means of lyrism, particularly the motive of love, using images-symbols, images-descriptions.It is set up that the lyrism of the O. Honchar’s novel «Flag bearers» is associated primarily with in-depth disclosure of the inner world of the individual. The article revealed that an important part of the author’s concept is to show the motive of love in the work that is directly related to emotion, emotional, that is, subjective sphere of artistic expression in the embodiment of the author’s text.Author determined basic techniques of image copyright in the novel motif of love. A common means of strengthening of the lyrical text is symbolization of images, which are often based on national soil. Analysis of the specifics of creating landscapes in the trilogy indicates that the depiction of nature is not just a backdrop for the events depicted, but also a kind of accompaniment of hero mood. Portrait features in the novel «Flag bearers» play an important part in revealing of the «spiritual movement» and the inner world of the characters. Trilogy’s author combines realistic vision of the world with romantic organically. The artist depicts the vision of the war, almost without departing from the socialist-realist canon, however, lyrical means give a work an artistic value.
Databáze: OpenAIRE