Autor: Biloshizkiy, V. V., Vasyuta, V. A.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Archive of Ukrainian Ophthalmology; Том 6, № 1 (2018); 88-90
Архив офтальмологии Украины-Arhìv oftalʹmologìï Ukraïni; Том 6, № 1 (2018); 88-90
Архів офтальмології України-Arhìv oftalʹmologìï Ukraïni; Том 6, № 1 (2018); 88-90
ISSN: 2309-8147
Popis: Many drugs, giving a useful therapeutic effect, can cause unwanted reactions, so-called side effects. The incidence of adverse reactions depends primarily on the individual characteristics, sex, age of the patient, the severity of the underlying and concomitant diseases, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, dose, duration of use, route of administration.Among the side effects 73 % are allergic reactions, 21 % – side effects are associated with the pharmacological action of drugs, 6 % – other manifestations. Despite the fact that the problem of side effects of drugs exists as much as there are medicines, many unresolved issues still exist: the lack of offi cial statistics, a unifi ed terminology, the classifi cation of side effects. Ophthalmic drug side effects are also not well understood. There are no statistics on the incidence of side effects in the use of many drugs. Clinical case: an ophthalmologist was approached by the patient with such complaints as reduction of visual acuity in the distance, pain in the eyes and in the right hemisphere of the head, reddening of the eyes and swelling of the eyelids, that appeared after the onset of topiramate – the drug to treat a chronic migraine. The intraocular pressure was increased. Established diagnosis: secondary closed-angle glaucoma, acute attack, induced myopia of both eyes (after receiving topiramate). After ophthalmological treatment there was normalization of intraocular pressure. Topiromate has a very wide range of adverse reactions, among which is a number of ophthalmologic ones. The possibility of developing transient ophthalmic disorders as a result of the use of topiramate (an effective means of prophylactic treatment of chronic migraine), requires a mandatory ophthalmic examination of such patients and dynamic observation.
В статье представлен клинический случай офтальмологических нарушений, развившихся после приема топирамата – препарата, используемого для лечения хронической мигрени. Установлен диагноз: вторичная закрытоугольная глаукома, острый приступ, индуцированная миопия обоих глаз (на фоне приема топирамата).После офтальмологического лечения имел место полный регресс офтальмологической симптоматики.
У даній статті представлено клінічний випадок офтальмологічних порушень, що розвинулися при використанні топірамату – препарату, який використовується при лікуванні хронічної мігрені. Встановлений діагноз: вторинна закритокутова глаукома, гострий напад, індукована міопія обох очей (на фоні прийому топірамату). Після офтальмологічного лікування мав місце повний регрес офтальмологічної симптоматики.
Databáze: OpenAIRE