Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Opera in linguistica ukrainiana; № 27 (2020); 152-159
Записки з українського мовознавства; № 27 (2020); 152-159
ISSN: 2414-0627
Popis: Статтю присвячено з’ясуванню лінгвостилістичної специфіки порівнянь у портретному письмі Володимира Даниленка. зокрема в його романах та оповіданнях. Виявлено порівняння в жіночих і чоловічих фізичних та психологічних портретах, визначено специфіку суб’єктів досліджуваних компаративем.
Статья посвящена выяснению лингвостилистической специфики сравнений в портретном письме Владимира Даниленко, в частности в его романах и рассказах. Выявлены сравнения в женских и мужских физических и психологических портретах, определены особенности субъектов таких компаративем.
The individual aesthetics of the word, which in the process of creating a fictional text takes on different linguistic expressive forms in idiostyle, is the subject of modern linguists’ scientific researches. Scholars draw their attention to the means of person's image verbal depiction and his portrait image in particular. Scientific relevance of our investigation deals with the peculiarities of the individualauthorial manner of verbal description in modern Ukrainian prose which have not been sufficiently studied yet. The purpose of the article is to find out the linguo-stylistic specificity of comparisons in Volodymyr Danylenko’s descriptive writing. The object of the study is the writer’s prose works, the subject - linguostylistic features of comparisons in gender verbal description. Our study is based on Volodymyr Danylenko’s novels such as “Poor Ramsey's Gazelle”, "Love in the Baroque style" and his Short story collection “A Dream of a Swift Beak”. The analysis of the actual material was carried out according to the complex classification of verbal description of K. Pysarenko. We found out that comparisons of Volodymyr Danylenko’s gender verbal portraits highlight not only the appearance of the characters, their physical and psychological characteristics, they also represent the author's individual style, linguistic picture of the world of the writer and depicted people of his fictional works. The following subjects of comparison are verbalized by male and female images: somatisms that call the dominant features of their appearances (men – physique, height, face, ears, teeth, eyes, hair; women - eyes, lips, hair, body, breast, hips, and waist). The most common objects of comparison of female portraits are phytonyms, zoonyms, dishes titles and food names, and anthroponyms. We determined that zoonyms are the most frequently used lexemes among the comparative units of male verbal description. However, the comparisons of “dish and food groups” and “goods and substances” are represented rarely. Prospects for our further study include the investigation of the specific features of other imagery means in Volodymyr Danylenko’s descriptive writing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE