Атрибутивні особливості самотності особистості

Autor: Fomenko, K.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Психологія і особистість; № 2 (2014); 71-88
Psychology and Personality; № 2 (2014); 71-88
ISSN: 2226-4078
Popis: The personal characteristics of attribution and loneliness are discussed. In the article loneliness is defined as the result of a social situation that gives rise to certain emotional states of the individual; as a psycho-emotional condition that occurs as a result of responses to the derivation of personal needs and is the result of cognitive dissonance personality or personal qualities. It highlights that loneliness stands mechanism of regulation and adaptation.Optimistic attribution is a factor of loneliness prevention.The article shows different psychological approaches to loneliness. In psychoanalysis, the loneliness is seen as insurmountable, the constant feeling that is a reflection of personality traits - narcissism, megalomania, hostility. In interactionism loneliness is associated with the lack of social interaction of the individual. Cognitive scientists consider the determining factor of loneliness loneliness attribution personality.The empirical research describes correlation between optimism and loneliness. Subjective feelings of loneliness, loneliness parameters such as diffusivity, alienation and dissociation are more characteristic of pessimists. Optimism negatively associated with loneliness.Optimists inherent internal locus of control, so they are increasingly able to take responsibility for the results of their lives, family relationships and professional activities. Internal locus, in turn, negatively related to the level of loneliness of the individual.Optimists in increasingly characterized by higher rates of existential fullness of life. Optimism is positively associated with a measure of self-actualization, the pessimists who feel lonely, are characterized by a lower level of self-actualization.
У статті представлено аналіз поняття самотність та досліджено зв'язок самотності з атрибутивними характеристиками — оптимізмом та песимізмом. Виявлено, що песимістам у більшій мірі властиве почуття самотності. Оптимізм характеризується меншим почуттям самотності, вищими показниками інтернальності, екзістенційної наповненості життя, самоактуалізації.
Databáze: OpenAIRE