Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Технічні науки та технології; № 4(26) (2021): ТЕХНІЧНІ НАУКИ ТА ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ; 43-49
Technical sciences and technology; No. 4(26) (2021): TECHNICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES; 43-49
Технические науки и технологии; № 4(26) (2021): ТЕХНІЧНІ НАУКИ ТА ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ; 43-49
ISSN: 2411-5363
Popis: The use of large single crystals of diamond, grown by HP-HT with the latest technologies in drilling tools, can improve the productivity of the drilling process, increase the penetration rate, reduce wear of the main matrix, and provide a safe working environment when drilling solid rocks.For an informed choice or design of the working part of the drilling equipment, an analysis of the functional purpose is important. The main role here is played by the factor of complexity of geodetic conditions: the angle of drilling, fracture toughness and class of rocks, their changes with the depth of drilling.Analysis of studies and publications on functional analysis showed that diamonds should not only have high hardness and static strength, they should have a high value of thermal strength and chemical resistance, which will allow them to be used with sufficient efficiency when developing wells in difficult geological conditions. However, the main indicator of the suitability of such single crystals is still strength. It has been experimentally proven that the main type of diamond wear during drilling is partial or complete chipping of the protruding part of the crystals. Thus, the bits are equipped with harder diamonds, they will allow to process harder rocks without chips, reduce wear of the matrix itself, provide higher drilling speeds along with a decrease in energy consumption and consumption of consumables, for example, drilling mud.The purpose of the article is to analyze the effect of chemical-thermal exposure, as an integral part of the technological process of manufacturing drill bits, on the tensile strength of synthetic diamonds of octahedral habit type Ib obtained by HP-HT technology.Based on the data obtained experimentally, the work shows the suitability of synthetic diamonds as part of a functional cutting tool for drilling and geological exploration. The optimal size of crystals was determined, at which a sufficient level of strength is provided. The falling dependence of the strength on the edge length of the investigated diamond single crystals is graphically demonstrated.For the first time, the paper presents a study of the effect of chemical-thermal treatment as part of the technological process of manufacturing a drilling tool on the strength of non-magnetic single crystals of synthetic diamond type Ib. The presented materials can be used for a reasonable choice or design of drill bits impregnated with large single crystals for drilling and geological exploration.
У статті приділено увагу проблемі використання крупних монокристалів синтетичного алмазу типу Іb в буровому інструменті. Продемонстровано, що в результаті хіміко-термічної обробки на поверхні штучних монокристалів формуються мікрокристали у формі октаедрів та кубів. На відміну від класичного підходу, коли для виробництва бурового обладнання використовуються кристали IIb, нами представлені кристали Ib оскільки вони найближче до природного алмазу за фізико-механічними властивостями. Було показано, що кристали розміром 2000...2100 мкм мають більш високе значення статичної міцності, ніж кристали розміром 2200 мкм і більше
Databáze: OpenAIRE