Autor: Moskvichova, Yuliia
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Альманах "Культура і Сучасність"; № 1 (2014): Культура і сучасність; 192-197
Альманах «Культура и современность»; № 1 (2014): ; 192-197
Almanac "Culture and Contemporaneity"; № 1 (2014): ; 192-197
ISSN: 2226-0285
Popis: У статті аналізуються особливості розвитку культурно-мистецьких процесів на Вінниччині періоду незалежності України. Розглянуто тематику, функції та соціокультурні завдання провідних фестивалів регіону. Зроблено спробу класифікувати мистецькі фестивалі краю за рівнем та жанрами. Проведено соціологічний аналіз та розкрито динаміку провідних фестивалів регіону з урахуванням кількісних показників, географії учасників, охоплення сценічних майданчиків, адресного глядацького спрямування.
В статье проанализированы особенности развития художественного процесса на Винниччине периода независимости Украины. Рассматривается тематика, функции и социокультурные задачи ведущих фестивалей региона. Сделана попытка классифицировать фестивали по уровню и жанрам. Проведено социологический анализ и показана динамика ведущих фестивалей региона с учётом количественных показателей, географии участников, охватываемых сценических площадок, адресной направленности.
The brand new conditions, the Ukrainian culture turned out to be under after Ukraine had gained independence, were demanding a search for new efficient methods of artistic patterns presentation. As an alternative to concert season, various festivals are becoming more and more relevant.The issues concerned with the development of festival movement in Ukraine are studied by O.Diachkova, K.Zhygulski, S.Zuev, O.Zinkevych, K.Davydovskyi, D.Zudenko, K.Rieznikova, I.Sikorska, A.Pyskach, M.Shved. Festivals and art projects of Vinnytsia region selectively were becoming the object of interest of culturologists. In particular, some festivals of the region are analyzed by T.Burdeina-Publika, history of organ festival "Music within the monastic precincts" is elucidated in the scientific work of S.Iskra. However, to date there are no scientific researches on the complex socio-cultural analysis of festival-competitive movement in Vinnytsia region.The aim of the research is to analyze the modern festival-competitive movement of Vinnytsia region and to reveal the dynamics of the top-level festivals and music forums of the region.Every festival, existing nowadays in Ukraine, is the constituent part of the common cultural panorama of the country and forms its cultural identity.Festivals, as the part of artistic market of the country, carry out a great many of socio-cultural tasks, namely: reproduction of modern samples music art in Ukraine;development of enlightenment traditions and spreading of national cultural heritage in the world;expansion of informative and artistic connections between the festival participants;appealing to particular aspects and events of national culture and history;necessity and significance of support of regional culture as a component part of nationwide culture of Ukraine;revival of traditions the patronage of arts.Unlike separate concerts, a festival gives an opportunity, by means of wide audience unification in common area, to join to the art, perceive and appraise it, and sometimes, participate in creative process. Thus, art is becoming closer to and more accessible for the public. Festivals promote artistic communication, as the new ideas are expressed, new projects are created, festival participants get a chance to exchange their experience and improve their professional skills.The founder of festival movement in Vinytsia region was Vinnytsia Region Philarmonic Society. At the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century Vinnytsia region, as an independent cultural region of Ukraine, made itsel known for a number of various festivals and art projects. Alongside classical music festivals appeared pop-art festivalcompetition, jazz music festival and festival of contemporary music. Simultaneously, in the cultural space of Vinnytsia region the festivals of amateur and folk arts were developing paridly.After we have performed the analysis of the currently existing art festivals in Vinnytsia region, we classify them according to the genres into musical, theatrical and cinematic, choreographic, literary-artistic, folklore ones and festivals of visual arts. The separate group is made up of festivals of national cultures. Festivals are also classified according to the level (international, nationwide, regional).Among the acknowledged art projects of Vinnytsia region are Festival named after P.I. Tchaikovsky and N.F. von Meck; Organ festival "Music within the monastic precincts"; Jazz music festival "VINNYTSIA JAZZFEST"; Forumof the youth music "Colors of the 20th century music. Vanguard. Classics. Jazz"; Choral assemblies of M.D.Leontovych; Festival of theatrical art "Puppet of Podolia"; Children and youth festival of pop music "Music Umbrella"; Festival of folk choreography "Circle of vinca".Festivals’ conducting promotes communication of people with common interests; herewith the intercultural dialogueis taking place. In such a way, we can state that in information and culture space a festival is not only an artistic event, but it also turns into a "powerful social phenomenon".In the article a number of criteria for sociological analysis and studying of the top-level festivals dynamics are beingmarked out. The quantitative dynamics of concerts and venues, dynamic correlation of Ukrainian and foreign groups and musicians, quantity of participating countries have being analyzed, as well as the address direction of the art projects.The priority functions of the above mentioned festivals have being singled out, namely: educational or informative;recreational (creation of favorable conditions for spare time spending); training and educational (conducting of various workshops within the festival framework promotes the development of individual’s creative potential); communication of creative elites; presentation of composer novelties.So, modern festivals promote activation of the artistic life, determine the directions of the art development, and form new ideas.Vinnytsia region nowadays, as an independent cultural region of Ukraine, is the territory with a powerful festivalcompetitive movement that arose in the 1970s and activated after Ukraine had gained independence and turned out to be a factor of the city’s involvement to the world cultural space. Leading cultural and art projects of the region are rapidly developing and the promotion of both national and world creative product is taking place.
Databáze: OpenAIRE