Синоніми як засіб увиразнення художнього мовлення (на матеріалі роману 'Ініціація' Люко Дашвар)

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Ivan Ohiienko and contemporary science and education; No. XVI (2019): Ivan Ohiienko and contemporary science and education; 112-115
Іван Огієнко і сучасна наука та освіта; № XVI (2019): Іван Огієнко і сучасна наука та освіта; 112-115
ISSN: 2309-7086
Popis: The paper focuses on the semantic-stylistic functions of synonyms in the text. The peculiarities of functioning and the aesthetic functions of synonyms in the novel «Initiation» are revealed. The problem of learning the language of fiction texts has a long history, it has been interpreted in different ways depending on the level of development of linguistics and related sciences, the outlook of the researcher. Despite the considerable number of scientific studies devoted to the study of the problem of synonymy, in modern Ukrainian linguistic science, insufficient attention is paid to the functioning of synonyms in the fiction style. Synonyms are words with full or partial formal differences, have identical or almost identical meanings. Synonyms are one of the most important components of the arsenal of stylistic means of language. The whole text of «Initiation» is full of synonyms. The author successfully combines the synonym for the verb «to go» in one period. Skilfully selected synonyms in these cases make the text more dynamic, more expressive, and give the opportunity to convey the picture of the image more accurately. Synonyms in the artistic style are used to diversify presentation, to avoid monotony, annoying repetitions. Each component of the synonymics, having more or less semantic-stylistic features, allows to reproduce the picture of the image more fully, to reflect the essence of the concept or phenomenon. A number of synonyms, especially contextual ones, help to reproduce the subtlest feelings and states of the heroes. The writer with their help specifies, expresses images, characterizes characters and their thoughts, actions, relationships.
У статті зосереджено увагу на семантико-стилістичних функціях синонімів у художньому тексті. Виявлено особливості функціювання та з’ясовано естетичні функції синонімів у романі «Ініціація».
Databáze: OpenAIRE