Autor: Mogilevskiy, S. Yu., Korobova, O. V., Vassim, Hadri
Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Archive of Ukrainian Ophthalmology; Том 5, № 2 (2017); 38-44
Архив офтальмологии Украины-Arhìv oftalʹmologìï Ukraïni; Том 5, № 2 (2017); 38-44
Архів офтальмології України-Arhìv oftalʹmologìï Ukraïni; Том 5, № 2 (2017); 38-44
ISSN: 2309-8147
Popis: Изучена связь провоспалительных цитокинов (фактора некроза опухолей-α и фактора роста фибробластов) внутриглазной жидкости с развитием послеоперационных осложнений у больных первичной глаукомой в сочетании с катарактой. Больным проводилась факоэмульсификация катаракты с имплантацией интраокулярной линзы (І этап) и селективная лазерная трабекулопластика через 4–5 недель после І этапа (ІІ этап). При уровне фактора некроза опухолей-α 36,36 пкг/мл и выше возрастает частота и длительность воспалительных осложнений после I этапа, а при уровне 50,11 пкг/мл – после II этапа лечения. При уровне фактора роста фибробластов 3,1 пкг/мл и выше развивается рубцевание в структурах угла передней камеры глаза после I этапа, а при уровне 6,03 пкг/мл и выше – после II этапа лечения.
Introduction. According to current data from the 39 million blind in the world to share in the result of glaucoma blindness accounted for 8%. Results of multicenter epidemiological studies have shown a signifi cant increase in the incidence of glaucoma. One quite often a combination of ophthalmic pathology is primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and senile cataract. It is 17-76%. In modern ophthalmic surgery is well known a large number of phase-out or combined surgical treatment methods for primary glaucoma combined with cataract. However, neither the low invasiveness of the FEC or high security SLT compared to traditional operations or carrying out surgery in two phases in patients with primary open angle glaucoma and cataracts can not guarantee the complete absence of early and late postoperative complications. Currently, the leading role in the development of these complications belongs to infl ammatory reactions that are associated with impaired baseline general and local immunity The aim of the study was to examine the relationship of proinfl ammatory cytokines intraocular fl uid with the development of postoperative complications in patients with primary glaucoma combined with cataract.Material and methods. We observed 39 patients (45 eyes) with primary open-angle I-IV stages glaucoma in combination with cataract. All patients underwent a two-stage treatment which included phacoemulsifi cation of the cataract with IOL fl exible implantation (I stage) and selective laser trabeculoplasty (II stage), which was executed in 4-5 weeks after stage I. An obligatory condition was drug therapy of ophthalmotonus before implementation of stage I. Intraocular liquid sampling was performed during phacoemulsifi cation in order to investigate the presence and level of cytokines – the tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and basic fi broblast growth factor (bFGF).Results and discussion. The level of TNF-α varied from 1,11 to 140,55 pkg/ml and made up 24,61 ± 5,43 pkg/ml, bFGF – from 1,0 to 12,54 pkg/ml and made up 3,33 ± 0,44 pkg/ml. We found direct cross-correlation connection between the level of TNF-α and the duration and frequency of infl ammatory postoperative complications. It was established direct cross-correlation between the level of bFGF and the character and frequency of scarring in the corner of front eye chamber as well as between the level of ophthalmotonus after the I and II stages of a two-stage treatment.Conclusions. It was found that the TNF-α level in aqueous humor 36.36 pg/ml and above signifi cantly increases the frequency and duration of infl ammatory complications after FEC with IOL implantation (I phase), and at the level of 50.11 pg/ml – after selective laser trabeculoplasty (II round). It was found that when the level of bFGF in the aqueous humor of 3.1 pg/ml and above the scarring in the structures of the anterior chamber angle of the eye after the Stage I (FEC with IOL implantation) would develop; and at the level of 6.03 pg/ml and above – after stage II of a two-stage treatment (SLT) as a result there would be an increase in IOP. The level of cytokine TNF-α and bFGF in the aqueous humor of patients with primary glaucoma and cataracts can be a criterion prediction of reactive complications and IOP values after I and II stages of a two-stage treatment.
Вивчено зв’язок прозапальних цитокінів (фактора некрозу пухлин-α і фактора росту фібробластів) внутрішньоочної рідини з розвитком післяопераційних ускладнень у хворих на первинну глаукому в поєднанні з катарактою. Хворим проводилася факоемульсифікація катаракти з імплантацією інтраокулярної лінзи (І-й етап) і селективна лазерна трабекулопластика через 4–5 тижнів після І-го етапу (ІІ-й етап). При рівні фактора некрозу пухлин-α 36,36 пкг/мл і вище зростає частота і тривалість запальних ускладнень після I-го етапу, а при рівні 50,11 пкг/мл – після II-го етапу лікування. При рівні фактора росту фібробластів 3,1 пкг/мл і вище розвивається рубцювання в структурах кута передньої камери ока після I-го етапу, а при рівні 6,03 пкг/мл і вище – після II-го етапу лікування.
Databáze: OpenAIRE