Using Lora Technology To Solve The Problem Of Object Localization On IoT Systems

Autor: Sorokin, Dmytro Anatoliiovych
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Electronic and Acoustic Engineering; Том 3, № 3 (2020); 34-39
Электронная и Акустическая Инженерия; Том 3, № 3 (2020); 34-39
Електронна та Акустична Інженерія; Том 3, № 3 (2020); 34-39
ISSN: 2524-2725
Popis: Internet of Things (IoT) is a leading place in the rapidly expanding Internet technologies. One of the uses of IoT technology is to track and control the location of objects. The purpose of this work is to investigate the feasibility of using LoRa technology to solve the object localization problem.The theoretical analysis of data technologies in existing IoT systems shows that the use of technologies such as GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth is not always effective due to its high cost and low coverage. A better solution for building networks of interaction between IoT devices can be considered LoRa technology, which at the same time allows you to communicate over long distances, characterized by low power consumption and high resistance to interference and is economically attractive. LoRa is a wireless modulation scheme built on Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) modulation that makes it more interfering. It is based on LoRaWAN, which allows you to create a network for interaction between devices. Such a network can be used to solve the problem of geolocation.To determine the location of a device, you first need several reference points, the location of which is already known. There are three known methods for locating: triangulation, trilateral, and multilateration methods. Let us analyze the effectiveness of using these methods when applying LoRa.In triangulation, the location of the device can be estimated using the geometry of the triangle formed between the two reference points and the device. In our case, the transmitters or device will be at a great distance from each other, because this is LoRa specificity. Because of this, location error is increased.The trilateration method has already been used in localization studies for LoRa devices. The distance from the device can be estimated in two ways: by measuring the time of arrival (ToA), or within RSSI by determining the signal strength of the received signal to the receiver.In the ToA method, the master data for processing is the time at which the signal arrives from the device to the station. This method is characterized by high power consumption due to the need for synchronization between devices. In addition, the quality of the location is highly dependent on the environment.This method of localization, such as multilateration, does not require the determination of the distance from the device to each anchor point, more important is the difference in the distance between the anchor points themselves. TDoA is a popular method for localization because it does not require transmitter synchronization with receivers. Therefore, the most optimal method of localization can be considered the method of determining the difference in time of arrival (TDoA)The analysis shows that the object localization problem can be solved by using modern wireless localization algorithms using LoRa technology. The goal of further research is to create an optimal algorithm for solving the problem of localization of IoT devices.
Шляхом теоретичного аналізу технологій передачі даних в існуючих IoT-системах показано, що використання таких технології, як GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth не завжди є ефективним через високу вартість та малу площу покриття. Більш оптимальним рішенням для побудови мереж взаємодії між IoT-пристроями можна вважати технологію LoRa, яка одночасно дозволяє виконувати комунікацію на великій відстані, характеризується низьким енергоспоживанням та високою стійкістю до завад і є економічно привабливою. Розглянуто можливість застосування технології LoRa для вирішення задачі визначення місцезнаходження об’єктів.У якості найбільш оптимального методу геолокації обрано метод визначення різниці в часі прибуття (TDoA). Задачею подальших досліджень є створення оптимального алгоритму для рішення задачі локалізації пристроїв IoT.
Databáze: OpenAIRE