Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Opera in linguistica ukrainiana; № 23 (2016); 74-81
Записки з українського мовознавства; № 23 (2016); 74-81
ISSN: 2414-0627
Popis: The necessity to learn regional particularities of informal naming as an important segment of creating common Ukrainian map of an anthroponymical system saves the first place. Informal anthroponyms is an essential source of learning of historical processes that always take place in the language structure of common names, they have a wide range of information about the inner world of our ancestors which displayed in rituals and customs of the ethnos, information about its life and occupation. It is established that there are two productive ways of formation in nicknames and surnames. They are lexical-semantic and morphological, where semantization clearly dominates. The subject of this research is learning of onyms’ motivational groups formed by transonymization.Scientists interpret informal naming from names and surnames differently: some of them consider them nicknames, and the others – family and generic naming. Describing the semantic content of nicknames, some scientists believe that nicknames that are based on the name or the surname of a person or on the name, nickname of relatives are not describing and semantic. But this view is not a reflection of the general laws. The structure of many informal anthroponyms can relate to complete or reduced personal names, sometimes to bright colored connotative surnames. For this region transonymization is actively used for creating nicknames from surnames, names of famous historical or political figures, «TV nicknames» and regional variations of personal names.
В статье говорится о неморфологическом способе образования отфамильных и отыменних индивидуальных прозвищ жителей Галичского района Ивано-Франковской области. Рассматриваются различные точки зрения ученых на этот процесс. Такие онимы распределяются между группами в зависимости от мотивов номинации.
У статті йдеться про неморфемний спосіб творення відпрізвищевих та відіменних індивідуальних прізвиськ мешканців Наддністрянщини. Розглядаються різні точки зору вчених на цей процес. Такі оніми розподіляються між групами залежно від мотивів номінації.
Databáze: OpenAIRE