Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Youth & market; No. 4/212 (2023); 33-37
Молодь і ринок; № 4/212 (2023); 33-37
ISSN: 2308-4634
DOI: 10.24919/2617-0825.4/212.2023
Popis: The article reveals the essence and structural characteristics of the Co-Active coaching model and the experience of its use in experimental work on the formation of economic culture of future specialists. The main components of Co-Active coaching are characterized: four basic principles (the client is a creative, holistic personality; Co-Active coaching addresses the whole person’s life; task setting comes from the client; the relationship between the coach and the client is a purposeful alliance of interaction) and “three basic attributes of human life” (realization, balance, process). The essence of the classical version of the Co-Active coaching model in the form of a five-pointed star is clarified, where each ray denotes a separate direction of cooperation between the coach and the client (listening; intuition; activity; self-management; curiosity). The structured technology of Co-Active coaching is shown, consisting of logically interrelated elements – organizational forms, techniques, methods, methods of cooperation between a coach and a client, etc. Some results of using the Co-Active coaching technology in the experimental work on the formation and development of the economic culture of future specialists in the specialty 011 “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences” (using the technique of “strong questions”, the technique of “active listening"”in the development of prognostic tools (questionnaires, prognostic conversations) and methods of experimental training, etc.). When summing up the results of the experimental work, its participants were unanimous in the fact that the combination of the Co-Active coaching model with the “strong questions” method turned out to be the most useful and effective component of the entire educational program on the formation of economic culture.
У статті розкрито сутність і структурну характеристику моделі Co-Active коучингу та досвід її використання в експериментальній роботі з формування економічної культури майбутніх фахівців. Схарактеризовано основні компоненти Co-Active коучингу (базові принципи; “атрибути життя людини”; модель у вигляді п’ятикутної зірки; структурована технологія та ін.). Представлено деякі результати використання технології Co-Active коучингу в експериментальній роботі з формування і розвитку економічної культури майбутніх фахівців.
Databáze: OpenAIRE