Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: National Technical University of Ukraine Journal. Political science. Sociology. Law; № 3(39) (2018); 79-82
Вісник НТУУ "КПІ" Політологія. Соціологія. Право; № 3(39) (2018); 79-82
ISSN: 2308-5053
Popis: The article concerns the problem of the interrelation between domestic and international in the course of modern civil wars and internal conflicts. It is argued that due to numerous changes in tactics of warfare and global-scale effects of local wars each internal conflict becomes a matter of the international action. Therefore, the main question is if this action is beneficial or not.The author analyzes various schools of thought that concerns the effects of external intervention into internal conflicts. We disapprove the idea that it is always beneficial and provides effective peace nego- tiations. Moreover, it can prolong internal conflicts due to various reasons. On the one hand, third parties can chase their own interests and thus hamper the peace process. On the other hand, their interest can be described as the continuation of the conflict by any means as it serves some other purposes.Consequently, neither of the cases (Ukrainian or Syrian) can be described using the notion of external intervention as a mean of conflict resolution. Therefore, we apply the theory of competitive intervention, which concerns the participation of third parties as the expression of their own interests. This theory is the most appealing because it is capable of explaining why third parties limit their help to domestic combatants and strike a balance between their support to different groups.Moreover, the author argues that conflicts in Syria and Ukraine are connected due to the similar set of the interested parties. In addition, this connection contributes to the dynamics of each of the conflicts.
У статті проаналізовано евристичний потенціал різноманітних теорій зовнішньої інтервенції та її впливу на динаміку внутрішнього конфлікту. Зазначено, що якнайкраще український та сирійський випадки можна проаналізувати за допомогою теорії суперницької інтервенції. Крім того, автором помічено взаємозв’язок між цими конфліктами як майданчиками геополітичної боротьби та вплив цього взаємозв’язку на динаміку протікання конфліктів.
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