Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Youth & market; No. 11/197 (2021)
Молодь і ринок; № 11/197 (2021)
ISSN: 2308-4634
DOI: 10.24919/2617-0825.11/197.2021
Popis: The article considers the peculiarities of O. Savchenko’s works and their significance in the formation of primary education. An important place in the development of primary education in Ukraine is occupied by her works, who studied various aspects of primary education. A significant number of works of the scientist proves her desire to help everyone in finding their own self, professional growth, improving the effectiveness of pedagogical action, achieving their own image in professional activities. A comparative analysis of scientific papers by number and thematic direction from 1968 to 2015, which indicates the scientific activity of the researcher in various fields. The most active period of the author’s scientific work were 2001–2015. From 1968 to 1978 the number of works was 77 works, 1979–1989–96 works, from 1990–2000–158 works, 2001–2015–183 units. Since 2008, O. Savchenko has supervised 61 dissertation research. Based on the analysis, it was investigated that the problems of education development in our country are the number one issue in the activities of the researcher. The most significant developments of the 90s, which are devoted to the problems of reforming the education sector during the first decade of Ukraine’s independence, are highlighted. An excerpt from an interview “School principal. School World”, where the scientist gives important instructions to young scientists. The analysis of O. Savchenko’s scientific works shows the breadth of issues that the scientist tried to study, study and reveal in the light of modern requirements for the development of the educational sector of Ukraine. A wide range of issues covered in the scientific her works, allows successors to reveal the content, functions, features of the educational field and directs them in the appropriate direction of professional activity and self-development.
У статті проаналізовано науковий доробок О. Савченко та встановлено його значення у розвитку освітньої галузі в Україні. Проведено порівняльний аналіз наукових праць за чисельністю та тематичним спрямуванням з 1968–2015 рр., визначено наукову активність дослідниці у різних напрямах. Виокремлено актуальні проблеми, порушені авторкою; наголошено на практичному значенні ідей та поглядів О. Савченко.
Databáze: OpenAIRE