Autor: Goncharova, N.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Психологія і особистість; № 1 (2017); 193-201
Psychology and Personality; № 1 (2017); 193-201
ISSN: 2226-4078
Popis: У статті проаналізовано концепції професійної кар’єри майбутніх учителів у рамках особистісного, соціального та організаційного підходів. Розглянуто теоретичні положення щодо ролі професійної підготовки в проектуванні кар’єри майбутніх учителів. Обговорюються теоретичні концепції щодо проблематики кар’єри: узгоджувальні, диференційні, феноменологічні, суб’єктно-діяльнісні та концепції з позицій розвитку і прийняття рішень студентською молоддю.
The article analyzes the concepts of future teachers professional career within the limits of personal, social and organizational approaches. The personal aspect provides consideration of professional career from the perspective of human and personality, reveals the features of career vision by its doer. The social aspect provides the idea of a career from the point of view of society, in particular, making of career routes in one or another professional field and forming of ideas about the character of moving in these ways, which is connected with speed and precipitance of career trajectory. Organizational aspect provides the relationship of career with employment of the person, with his or her professional life. Career is understood as a purposeful official and professional growth, the gradual promotion by official stairs, changing of skills, abilities, qualifying opportunities, which are connected with the activities of the employee. The theoretical positions to the role of professional training in future teachers career designing are considered. It can be regarded as a dynamic process that changes and develops constantly and is characterized by the general sequence of stages of human development in main areas of living; as an activity or a type of employment, profession and purposeful official and professional growth; as an active promotion of human in learning and improvement of the way of living. Theoretical concepts on career problems are discussed, in particular, coordinational, differential, phenomenological, subjective and activity, and also the concepts from the position of development and decision-making of student youth.
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