Concept of distance education «New centure - a new education» in the european integration of higner education

Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2014
distance education
pan-European space
the concept of distance education
the concept of "new century
a new education" integration-European space
безперервна освіта
загальноєвропейський простір
концепція дистанційної освіти
концепція «новому століттю-нову освіту»
непрерывное образование
общеевропейское пространство
концепция непрерывного образования
концепция «новому столетию-новое образование»
УДК 378.048
Zdroj: Humanities Bulletin of Zaporizhzhe State Engineering Academy; № 55 (2013); 5-18
Гуманитарный вестник Запорожской государственной инженерной академии; № 55 (2013); 5-18
Гуманітарний вісник Запорізької державної інженерної академії; № 55 (2013); 5-18
ISSN: 2072-1692
Popis: Відмічається, що розробка концепції безперервної освіти зумовлена умовами глобалізації та інформаційної революції, становлення ринкової економки, інтенсифікації міждержавних культурних зв’язків, інтеграції вищої освіти до європейського простору. Метою статті є формування концепції дистанційної освіти «новому століттю-нову освіту» в умовах європейської інтеграції вищої освіти. Проаналізовано складові концепції та її основні характеристики, визначено детермінанти оптимізації сучасної концепції дистанційної освіти в умовах інтеграції вищої освіти до загальноєвропейського простору.
Отмечается, что разработка концепции непрерывного образования обусловлена условиями глобализации и информационной революции, становления рыночной экономики, интенсификации межгосударственных культурных связей, интеграции высшего образования к европейскому пространству. Целью статьи есть формирование концепции непрерывного образования «новому столетию-новое образование» в условиях европейской интеграции высшего образования. Проанализированы составляющие концепции и ее основные характеристики, определены детерминанты оптимизации современной концепции дистанционного образования в условиях интеграции высшего образования к общеевропейскому пространству.
It is noted that the development of the concept of lifelong learning due to globalization and the information revolution, the housekeeper of a market, the intensification of cultural ties, integration into the European Higher Education Area. The aim of the article is to develop the concept of distance learning "new century, a new education" in the European integration of higher education. This goal is realized in the following problems: found the real challenges that delegate the education system themselves actors of public life - globalization and the information revolution, democracy and a market economy of, intensification of social relations and cultural ties, integration into the European Higher Education Area; problem discussed progress of the concept of distance learning "new century, a new education" in terms of European integration, which is possible on the basis of culture, science and information technology, analyzes the concept and components of the main characteristics of the concept of distance learning "new century, a new education" in the European integration; identified determinants of optimizing the modern concept of distance education in terms of integration into the European Higher Education Area. Analysis of the components of the concept and its main characteristics, defined determinants optimize the modern concept of distance education in terms of integration into the European Higher Education Area. Continuing education serves as a necessary part of the process of integrating research, education and production. Continuing education is equivalent to adult education, as there are different forms of training, professional development and cultural level of people overcome the traditional age of basic education. Distance Learning in Europe became intense development in the early 70 of the last century and is associated with a number of public universities (University of Distance Education). Today, every European country has a group of schools that implement the remote program. Methods such training very well spent. Considerable interest has training programs using new information technologies, including satellite TV, computer networks, multimedia and more. Purpose - to ensure universal access to continuous education in order to obtain and update the skills necessary for their personal involvement in the information society. Socio-economic changes require a new set of necessary basic knowledge and skills that ensure active participation in professional, family, social life, such as computer literacy, foreign languages, technological culture, entrepreneurship and social skills. The modern worker in almost every sphere of activity should have the capacity for economic thinking, to work collaboratively in teams, have training in marketing, have new technologies - economic, social, cultural. He must possess the qualities and "social skills" - initiative, responsibility, communication, creative relevant. In order to implement this concept to develop basic principles that should govern the process of reform of higher education in Ukraine in the context of the Bologna process and are particularly important in the context of best practices of Ukrainian accession: the principle of humanism, the principle of the independence and freedom of all participants in the educational process and scientific from any political power and economic power, the principle of the unity of science and education, the indivisibility of research and teaching, the principle of cooperation, civilized dialogue of national educational systems on the basis of mutual recognition, the principle of universalization through standardization and normalization of the educational process.
Databáze: OpenAIRE