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Indicators of the level of speed development at children of late pre-school age and their changes under the influence of physical education classes with the priority use of basketball elements are presented in the article. The comparative analysis of the obtained data in age and gender aspects is made. As a result of the research, the positive impact of basketball exercises on speed development at children of late pre-school age was found. Keywords: physical education, children of pre-school age, physical qualities, sports games. References Babiuk S. M. Pedagogical conditions of physical education of late pre-school age children in interaction between pre-school educational institution and family: PhD thesis: 13.00.08 “Pre-school pedagogy”, Kyiv. 2011. 20 pp. Vilchkovskyi E.S., Kurok O.I. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children: textbook. Sumy: “Publishing House “University Book”. 2019. 467 pp. Dumych O., Kasian Y., Stasiuk Kh. Action games as means of developing speed and balance of late pre-school age children. Young sports science of Ukraine. 2017. V. 1. pp. 56. Kulik N. A., Masliak I. P. The dynamics of physical state at children of late pre-school age under the influence of classes with the priority use of athletics facilities. Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport. Kharkiv: KhSAPC, 2013. № 5. pp. 147–150. Kulik N. A., Masliak I. P. Interconnection of physical preparedness and physical development components at children of late pre-school age. Pedagogy, psychology and medico-biological problems of physical education and sports. Kharkiv, 2013. № 11. pp. 52–56. Kulik N. A., Masliak I. P. Athletics in the physical education system of children of late pre-school age: methodological manual for physical education instructors and pre-school teachers. Sumy: A. S. Makarenko SumSPU, 2013. 108 pp. Pasichnik V. M. Improvement of physical and mental abilities in physical education of late pre-school age children using integral balls: PhD thesis: 24.00.02 “Physical culture, physical education of different groups of the population”. Lviv, 2014. 20 pp. Sports metrology: theory and practical aspects [Text]: textbook. L.P.Serhiienko; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 2010. 773 pp. Tarasova T. A. Physical control of preschool children: Methodological recommendations for managers and teachers of PEI. 2006. 176 pp. |