Autor: Bodnar, B. M., Denysenko, О. І., Bodnar, H. B.
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Clinical & experimental pathology; Том 14, № 2 (2015)
Клиническая и экспериментальная патология; Том 14, № 2 (2015)
Клінічна та експериментальна патологія; Том 14, № 2 (2015)
ISSN: 1727-4338
Popis: Molluscum contagiosum – a viral disease of the skin, topicality of which is determined by its contagiousness, rapid dissemination of skin rashes and difficulty of treatment, especially in children. To improve the method of treating molluscum contagiosum in pediatric patients by creating sustained aseptic process in the area of the rash by means of hardware-controlled cryodestruction. There were 30 young children and teenagers (19 boys and 11 girls) under observation. They were inhabitants of the Chernivtsi region and had signs of molluscum contagiosum. Cryodestruction of rash elements was performed using local anesthesia by means of a device called “Brumill” with controlled temperature rate (-40 °С), the course of treatment lasted 12 days. On the third day after cryodestruction of the rash we observed an occurrence of pustules with reactive-aseptic effusion, on the 5th day - formation of a crust, the wound would heal over under the crust which would fall off on the 10th -12th day, complete regression of the rash was observed on the 12th -13th day in 28 (93,3%) patients, two (6.7%) children were repeatedly treated because of the appearance of new rash. During three years of further observation there were not any recurrences of molluscum contagiosum in the treated children. Worked out cryosurgical method of treating molluscum contagiosum by creating sustained aseptic process in the area of the rash using hardware cryodestruction increases the effectiveness of treating dermatosis, prevents its recurrence, does not cause complications.
В статье представлено описание и результаты апробации нового усовершенствованного способа лечения контагиозного моллюска у пациентов детского и подросткового возраста, который базируется на создании пролонгированного асептического процесса в области высыпаний с помощью метода криодеструкции жидким азотом с использованием современного аппарата “Brumill” с контролированным температурным режимом (-40 °С).
У статті представлено описання та результати апробації нового вдосконаленого способу лікування контагіозного молюску у пацієнтів дитячого та підліткового віку, який полягає у створенні пролонгованого асептичного процесу у ділянці висипки за допомогою методу кріодеструкції рідким азотом із використанням сучасного апарату “Brumill” із контрольованим температурним режимом (-40 °С).
Databáze: OpenAIRE