Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Spatial development; No. 2 (2022); 3-22
Просторовий розвиток; № 2 (2022); 3-22
ISSN: 2786-7269
DOI: 10.32347/2786-7269.2022.2
Popis: The article substantiates the requirements and principles of modeling, proposesa model and conceptual foundations of spatial reorganization and development ofUkraine. The research is based on the methods and provisions of institutional theoryand logic — a socially recognized system of knowledge, rules, values, roles (functionsand responsibilities), expectations, beliefs and assumptions that are implemented bysociety and social instituzions (public organizations, parties, social movements, family,various associations of citizens). This theory and logic become important for the spatialorganization of society in conditions of dynamic changes and poor predictability, formconnections and relationships. For modern conditions of Ukraine, processes andphenomena are so uncertain, and the tasks are not deterministic, that it is unrealistic tocomprehend and formalize them to the requirements of simulation modeling. According to the authors, the spatial future of Ukraine is determined by anobjective set of factors — political, natural-landscape, economic, social, religiousworldview,etc., and the requirements of safety, efficiency, comfort, environmentalfriendliness, aesthetics. Ukraine sees itself in the future in the union of Europeancountries. Accordingly, systemic political, socio-economic changes and spatialtransformations with an emphasis on innovative and institutional solutions areexpected. A special role is assigned here to institutional systems and spatialreorganization of the national system. Separate provisions of the national idea, which are based on values, knowledgeand common goods, as well as key provisions of the model of spatial development ofthe state — increasing the index of harmony, adaptive properties and systemicdynamics of the state's space — are substantiated. Proposed principles and macrocharacteristics of the future of Ukraine, its spatial reorganization and development. Theinstitutional approach in the modeling of Ukraine's spatial policy reveals the potentialof modeling for creative reconstruction, changes in the state's space, and increasingopportunities for its development. The conceptual provisions of the spatial development of Ukraine (ideas,principles and macro-characteristics) make it possible to propose specific practicalproposals: reservation of territories for urban development needs; development of thetransport network as a hierarchical system; restoration and development of engineeringinfrastructure and life support facilities; placement of new objects in the complexspatial structure of the state; preservation of the natural complex and historicalenvironment, etc.
Осмислено феномен інституційності в просторовій організації і розвитку суспільних систем, розглянуто явища глобалізації, політичні процеси та світові урбаністичні тренди через призму їх прояву на простір України. Охарактеризовано стан і процеси в просторі нашої держави в контексті інституційної теорії та інституційної логіки. Обґрунтовано вимоги й засади моделювання, окреслена модель і концептуальні засади просторової реорганізації й розвитку України. Модель подана як національна ідея, концептуальні положення та макрохарактеристики майбутнього простору держави. Увага акцентується на актуальних проблемах сьогодення – міграції, руйнування, розселення, навколишнє середовище, рецесії, енергетика, безпека. 
Databáze: OpenAIRE