Autor: Gatezh, Natalia
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Aesthetics and Ethics of Pedagogical Action; No. 16 (2017); 147-156
Естетика і етика педагогічної дії; № 16 (2017); 147-156
ISSN: 2226-4051
DOI: 10.33989/2226-4051.2017.16
Popis: Today, the issue of cultural development of the younger generation as the future productive part of society is of particular relevance. An aesthetic culture of society, which in its turn influences the formation of elements of the aesthetic culture of the younger generation, plays an important role in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. The education of a child's aesthetic culture begins in the process of socializing a young person with the help of traditional means, methods and forms of education.This problem is very well represented in the works of national and foreign educators and psychologists, such as, D. Jol, D. Kabalevskyi, N. Kiyaschenko, B. Likhachev, A. Makarenko, B. Nemenskyi, N. Pylypenko, I. Revenko, V. Sukhomlinskyi, G. Sotska, M. Taboridze, V. Shatska, A. Shcherbo and others. Methods of training and upbringing are studied by A. Aleksyuk, S. Arkhangelskyi, Yu. Babanskyi, V. Krayevskiy, I. Lerner, M. Makhmutov, V. Okon, V. Palamarchuk, M. Skatkin, V. Onyshchuk, A. Khutorsky and others The purpose of this research is a scientific theoretical substantiation of the basic forms and methods of education of aesthetic culture of students in the professional activity of the teacher of fine arts.Organizational forms of education of aesthetic culture include mass, group and individual; complex and simple; perception and study of aesthetic objects of reality and art, aimed at aesthetic creativity; management of the process of aesthetic education and teaching upbringing.Much of the literature considers acquaintance with works of art the basic method of aesthetic education, but the most appropriate and optimal are the methods described by B. Likhachev, who divided them into groups of methods of artistic and moral (pedagogical) influence. The artistic methods of aesthetic education include various ways of practical training of personality perception of a particular type of art. The second group of methods that provide aesthetic development and education of the aesthetic taste of the individual are methods related to the perception and analysis of artistic works. The third group of methods of aesthetic perception includes methods of organizing independent artistic and creative activity of the individual.Thus, education of the aesthetic culture of students of a general education school is a complex, multifaceted, purposeful systematic process that has its own peculiarities, principles, criteria and indicators. It is proved that achieving a high level of aesthetic education can only be done through thoughtful and appropriate use of appropriate forms and methods of education.
У статті порушено актуальну проблему сучасної української освітньої системи – виховання естетичної культури учнів загальноосвітнього навчального закладу. Проаналізовано основні форми і методи виховання означеного феномену, їх особливості та доцільність застосування в педагогічній практиці. На основі висновків учених у галузі естетичного виховання учнівської молоді розкрито зміст понять «методи естетичного виховання», «форми естетичного виховання», «естетичне виховання» та «естетична культура». Доведено, що у пошуку птимального вирішення проблеми вибору форм і застосування методів виховання слід ураховувати сучасні суспільні реалії та прогнозувати розвиток суспільства.
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